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Comment Re:Black box data streaming (Score 2) 503

You do realise that US satelite scrutiny of the area is extremely intense, we saw the heat signatures of the launch, we have radar tracks of the missile trajectories, It's just a matter of analysing the data, figuring out who in the area, and putting everything together in a way that doesn't reveal classified capabilities.

Comment Re:Black box data streaming (Score 1) 503

Consider if your car had a black box, which it should. But in addition to collecting the data was transmitting that information continuously to the government for them to peruse any time they wanted.

Consider your car does a black box, but in addition to collecting the data was transmitting that information continuously to your auto insurance company for them to peruse any time they wanted.

Comment Re:Wow. Terrble Turn. (Score 1) 752

EU is in a sticky situation, they're pretty dependant on Russian natural gas, they're pretty dependant on natural gas pipe lines running through the Ukrane, Russians are pretty dependant on Ukranian warm water seaports; lots of inter-dependancies to make things complicated. Personally I think Obama didn't create strong US sanctions against Russia because he doesn't have the balls and Putin knows it.

Comment Re:No real surprise (Score 1) 710

Let's see everything wrong with the survey, just 250 households. How where the people selected. How much of a cross section was there. Was it per capita energy usage or simply per household usage (per household), difference between a person living on their own and say a family of five. A far right wing government commissioned the survey how biased were they in the selection. Some were monitored for a full year some only for one month, no clarification on summer winter split. No clarification on meals, home cooked or takeaway or restaurant (hidden energy usage) Also clothes washing, how much done in house, how much an laundrette and how much professionally cleaned (hidden energy usage). Study included rented and owned properties but did not differentiate between the two. There was a large north south divide hence different climatic conditions.

So it's a whole lets come up with a bullshit report to slander climate change and make it seem acceptable to do nothing about it.

The original "97% of climate Scientists agree" consenseus came from a 77 person population; so while your point is well taken, but needs to be applied more universally.

Comment Re: No real surprise (Score 1) 710

If the hypothesis of AGW is valid, and the Hypocrits like Gore believe that Un-Green lifestyles is destroying the climate and dooming humanity to death, famine and pestilance, and those hypocrits continue to engage in those lifestyles then what kind of monsters are they? At least the deniers honestly think that the past warming was predominately due to natural cycles and any anthropological input is self-limiting so if they destroy the world it's through ignorance instead of malice.

Comment Re:No real surprise (Score 1) 710

It certainly is a bizzare world we live in, Al Gore, the high priest of Apocolyptic Global Warming has a home in Tennesee that uses more energy the Goerge W Bush's ranch does, flies all over the world in a private jet and owns a condo in San Francisco that's 3 feet above sea-level; while Anthony Watts the leader of the Denier Illuminati has solar PV panels on his home and drives an electric vehicle.

Comment Re:So was the landing successful? (Score 1) 112

The rocket launched Monday suffered a similar fate. "Rocket booster re-entry, landing burn & leg deploy were good, but lost hull integrity right after splashdown (aka kaboom)," Musk wrote on Twitter.
The failure may have been a bit on the energetic side; trying for a soft touch down with enough rocket fuel ant oxidiser to do a soft touch down is always potentially exciting.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 1) 188

What I've pieced together is it's a 50 cal smooth-bore discarding sabot system, the round is aerodynamically stable with the center of gravity ahead of the aerodynamic center and is fin stabilized. The round has no inertial guidance so I assume that it wouldn't be able to use nutating scanning techniques and any spin would be unnecessary complication.
Cryptographic modulation, more likely none in the first interation, then a very profitable MWO to add a simple coherency signal adapted by reading a barcode on the round as it's loaded.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 1) 188

An obvious countermeasure would be to have the laser turn on only when the trigger is pulled. With a velocity of about a km per sec, the bullet won't give you much time to "remove yourself from the area".

So it'll be easy to recognise the important bad-guy because he'll be the one wearing the MILES gear, a second doesn't give you enough time to vacate the area, but you only have to move farther that the bullet has time to correct.

The likely target of this weapon is going to be some impoverished kid wiring up a dud mortar round as an IED by the side of the road.

Yeah right, the chain of command is going to authorize shooting a $50K bullet at a kid; also if somebody has to paint the target, then only a few dollars more gets you a live video feed so command can watch and control any engagements. I see this as being a replacement for the AGM-114, Hellfire missile on Predator and Reaper drones against soft, point targets. One problem we're having now is the bad-guys is using tactics that maximise collateral damage. these bullets will counter those tactics and give our drones he ability to engage many more targets.

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