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Comment Re:Pricing ? (Score 2) 158

So how do you explain the US spending almost twice the amount per capita on health care costs compared to other countries?

According to your logic, al that opportunity for shopping around should mean you pay less on aggregate. So either Americans are too stupid to shop around, or your thesis that a free market in hospital services is more efficient is bunk.

Empirically, central pricing for hospital services, either through government backed insurance or compulsory private insurance, is more efficient and costs citizens less. Note that #2 in health care spending, Switzerland, has a free market in private insurance (having insurance is compulsory, but you can shop around among multiple private providers), with only a government-mandated minimum insurance level. And it still manages to only burden citizens slightly more than half of what the US does.

Comment Re:"Dark Patterns" or terrible design? (Score 1) 56

I would like to know what the law considers a dark pattern over just a terrible design.

Whatever triggers complaints from the public, duh. Intent is irrelevant, whether it is deliberate use of a Dark Pattern to mislead someone or terrible design that misleads them, the end result is a customer that feels misled and complains. And then you have to fix it.

Comment Re:Choice should be up to the individual (Score 1) 124

Why is govt stepping in and forcing two private parties on how their business relationship should function if both parties are fine with the arrangement?

Are you that dumb? Are you that deficient in historical knowledge? Go read up a few books on 19th century industrialism. Go look up piecework. Go read up on the history of the labour movement. Until you've educated yourself, STFU.

Comment Re:Nothing is 100% safe (Score 1) 72

That's exactly the bait-and-switch Boeing pulled when selling this thing: "It flies exactly like a regular 737, so you don't have to retrain your pilots. Oh, that single sensor point of failure? No biggie, if it fails, just disable MCAS". You can see how that is attractive to low-margin companies like LionAir.

Of course pilots have to recognise a failing MCAS, and be able to turn it off, and be able to manually correct whatever inputs MCAS had given. And without MCAS, the plane behaves differently, but it now has a pilot with only 737 training at the controls.

Comment Re:Three posts already (Score 1) 93

Maybe it was the straw that broke the camel's back? I've given up trying to understand today's stock market; there is so much capital sloshing around, and most of it in the hands of people who have so much they can afford to play with millions and even billions, so any rational incentives for investment goes out the window.

Comment Giant meteor please (Score 5, Informative) 54

Goddamn it people are stupid. Google pulled the malware app, and now people are flooding the reviews of another Barcode Scanner app (with the same name) with one star reviews claiming that is the malware. I had to doublecheck with the Ars article to find out that Barcode Scanner from ZXing Team installed on my phone was not the afflicted app.

Give me a giant meteor impact. Surely the cockroaches can't be worse than us once they've evolved after that.

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