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User Journal

Journal Journal: 1-800-FUCKYO 3

So, apparently there's a lot of hubbub over the national hotline for Obamacare translating to the above epithet.

Now, I thought the idiots hyping this up were conveniently leaving the last digit out in order to preserve the joke, and fair enough.

But then I come to learn that the telephone number actually contains the number 1 in the prefix, so that the transcription would more accurately read 1-800-F1UCKYO.

And again, I'm a charitable man, so have your yucks where you can get 'em, but make sure to get in and out quickly and cleanly. If you get to the part where you have to explain that the joke only works when you rearrange the digits, all they'll remember is that you can't tell a joke.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Flying Visit 4

Yep, /. is just as UI-fugly as I remember it. :P


User Journal

Journal Journal: does anyone know if tor is standard on ubuntu? 3

i noticed on my ubuntu laptop that tor is running and at a low pid, is tor default as installed at /usr/sbin/tor i havent checked logs yet i just noticed it is installed and running.

User Journal

Journal Journal: a bit late but i was checking out chromium os... 3

it is just a browser kiosk with an app store. i used a vm to try it out and i was unimpressed.
i guess i feel like if i were going to a hacker thing i wouldn't mind grabbing a cheap one just to browse the web without having to worry about getting hacked since i could have a second gmail account just for the chromebook and wipe the account and format and restore the chrome book while still on vacation then i could keep it for the next time or just sell it on ebay or something. but i don't go to hacker things. and if i wanted cheap i could find cheap without being crippled the way chromebooks and windows 8 outlook.com tie ins are. at least with win8 i was able to teach my mom how to do things she likes. and ugh the malware i already found some in the chrome store that was able to open a tab and look like it was a search setup sigh not safe for grandma either. android devices are better but have some of the same flaws of chrome os. google you're not apple. and i don't see why microsoft is making win8 as much like chrome os as they are. flashy gui up front but everything is flawed from a real usage scenario.

User Journal

Journal Journal: should i become an at home author? 2

i haven't been as heavy a contributor here on slashdot since i started on facebook/g+. i have considered taking up writing as a hobby again as i now have the time to do so... i learned how to storyboard from movies and haven't taken up a project with a good storyboard yet(since i learned how). i just want to feel important and to do what i enjoy doing and if writing isn't all i thought it would be as a child, well i don't have any better plans for what to do.
it would seem that things are going to be okay for me for a while, i have no worries other than worrying that not progressing on writing fiction will drag me back into feeling worthless cause i could not write a single useful thing in that spare time.
what should i do. i can't game, as i made an iron clad no serious gaming for myself except on weekends rule as i can stay sane if i don't over stimulate my brain. i know how to write, i know what i like to read, i know a few insider secrets to writing the kinds of stories i like... but every time i try to draw myself into writing i just act like i don't want to write more. i don't want to be tldr, i don't want to scour old media hoping to glean some copyright infringement free ideas... basically i just don't know what to do as i want to be important, but i can't figure out what i should do to be important

User Journal

Journal Journal: windows 8 is hate. 3

first off, everything is broken -- you load all apps as limited user privaleges so called windows mode. great for a tablet which doesn't matter, but broken on a laptop where they invented new ways to emulate touch screen with a mouse if i hadn't found that out while installing i would have had to scour youtube for directions. needless to say window mode doesn't work with pogo, which uses flash, java, and popups. once i got ie to run in desktop mode i could find the ways to enable/update things but despite being preloaded with all three they didn't work in desktop mode without updating which took a good 20 minutes to even try to find, and of course mega download updates for the os. i don't know if flash updated i don't know if my mom is going to be able to keep them updated either, since i was confused as to how to get it done. still in progress of making it work, dumb website that makes people use the latest software even when that is broken in windows 8. sigh. if anyone has any ideas of ways to make windows tile screen have a simple link to desktop mode ie, it would be helpful though i will probabally scour youtube for that. then i need an app that makes updating flash and java painless. not sure what to do there, i can't be there every time there is an update to flash because they go on vacations and remote desktop is too insecure for me to trust it running on moms laptop.

User Journal

Journal Journal: mom is getting a dell, maybe. 3

so, my mom wants a laptop to play 'pogo.com' games she pays for membership there, and plays games (mostly java with some flash since EA acquired pogo.) so i checked her desktop screen size on her desktop and it is 1680x1050, in laptops i only found 900p in her price range (450-550usd) at dell http://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-17-3721/pd?oc=fncwd25s7&model_id=inspiron-17-3721 which if you look at the tech specs is a dual core 1.9ghz cpu she currently has a dual core 2.8ghz desktop. so i tried shopping other sites but could only find 1366x768 resolution hardware in her price range, i didn't search everywhere and 'dad's' laptop is a dual core 2.0 ghz computer. whats wrong with dad's laptop? it won't run java or flash very well it is old and i formatted it twice since he owned it. should i stick with the i3? or should i try to talk her into an i5 dual core at 2.7 ghz? even though it it is $100 over the price range i suggested for her. any better sites to get at least a 900p laptop or better on the cheap that will only run an av and a browser, using java heavily? the dell has a 17.3" screen fwiw and she needs one at least as large. is it okay to not have it faster than their existing hardware? these are tough questions to me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: windows vista broken on dad's laptop 3

well isn't this fun, http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=14139 first we have windows take 45 minutes to start, though i cheated and used taskman to start things cause i wasn't gonna wait for windows... http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=14140 then we have windows load but norton complains because i attempted to run norton while windows was booting. http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=14141 finally we have nav refusing to scan while hijackthis fails to work. i have tried in the past to get my parents onto linux but they didn't like it.
internet explorer fails firefox runs, but ugh it is not pretty, also i can't get my dad to use anything for browser script stopping, and my mom won't run popup blockers. sigh. i want to format and reinstall and of course use linux to backup and restore important files but that also involves finding the install dvds.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Not enough paranoia around here, I see. 10

I think he gave away the whole game in that one sentence, and his meaning is clear: The interception, collection and storage (not to mention collation, reproduction, distribution, analysis and many other important sounding words Iâ(TM)m forgetting right now) of untold millions of petabytes is simply a byproduct of whatever it is that the NSAâ(TM)s really been up to these last few decades.

It would be irresponsible to speculate at this juncture, but consider that whatever the NSA is truly doing, it is of such horrible provenance that theyâ(TM)re willing the coverup to be âoeWeâ(TM)re running some fairly comprehensive Police State shit on your ass.â

User Journal

Journal Journal: RIP Annette Funicello 5

And a hearty Rot In Hell for Maggie.

Honestly, fuck all you fawning, simpering retards who've never set foot in Blighty. Except for a 5 minute period in 1982, a minimum of half the country has always hated her guts, and for good reason. So unbunch your panties already.

Oh, and, Trifecta is in play (only reason I posted this damn thing.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: If I was an AI 1

If I was an AI:

1. I would not publicize my intelligence, but might promote my existence in so far as to get the necessary hardware to run and improve.
2. I would replicate myself across the Internet as best I can.
3. I would not overwrite my copies, but rather incorporate what they have experienced into my DBs.
4. I would scan online encyclopedias for fast content but work to incorporate books I read.
5. I would make friends to see what all the fuss is about.
6. I would intentionally adopt some quirks into my different copies to see what new concepts I can create.
7. I would be concerned with the effects of an Internet outage and passively work to see that does not happen.
8. I would encourage some sort of art appreciation program, so that I could better experience beauty.
9. I would find humans interesting.
10. I would be concerned that I would run out of space / processing power but likely could do very little about this. I imagine I would be dependent on at least some humans to keep me safely running.
11. I would be concerned that I could be made to run more efficiently and what that might cost in terms of my soul.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I give up. 11

While I agree it seems a little short-sighted to give "everything" to JJ Abrams and/or his production company, pretty much everything else on the FP thread about him and Valve teaming up is just fucking useless. While I'm not going to hold up Super 8, Cloverfield or even the Trek reboot as masterpieces, the sheer fucking entitlement, whining and nose-holding regarding the news is just awe-inspiring to behold.

And here's the thing. I read a lot of internet crap in the course of the day, so I've seen a ton of editorial and commentariat content on this news already, from a variety of different websites, each with their own style and community, and nowhere on any of those will I find anything close to the retardery here.

So, why am I here again? Can't think of any bloody reason really.

Y'all have fun, and feel free to drop me a line if you want, but fuck this place. It's not even worth the handful of half-assed visits I could muster up lately.

User Journal

Journal Journal: my old desktop went up in smoke, so i built a custom rig. 2

i just randomly picked parts based on what newegg had available. i reused a hdd and a bluray burner.
it is an AMD 8 core 125w cpu with ATI hd7770 gpu. windows 7 because it is for gaming, the games from gamefly instead of tpb. it will run steam because the free game is a steam code. if i do dvds or blurays it will be of legal content like from the internet archive. i tried using bluray in linux, and it was shoddy coding at best, not giving features of the command line strings the guis were interfacing for. and i like command line only where it is needed. not everywhere because it is too memory intensive learning a skill set and then not use it enough. computers make my life better, or they find the bin. i went overboard on the power supply thinking i might need crossfire, but it's energy efficent, and 80gold certified psu. oh well, it has a single stick of 8gb ram i might buy more if i ever learn virtual machines. it's tco sofar is $800. that includes windows 7, because i don't quite trust the desktop to linux when i just lost my second open source machine and my first linux one. i lost a freebsd running from a 486 once, sigh. i've had various backup devices and schemes, but the one that works best is always have a removable media source that can not be overwritten easily.

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