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Comment Re:Please describe exactly (Score 2) 392

So when any of the normal annual changes take place (the way they handle certain experimental drugs or therapies, the way they handle certain hospital scenarios, etc), the insurer can no longer provide the plan

[citation needed]

the ACA shuts it down because it doesn't provide post-menopausal women maternity care, etc.

That is a separate complaint, an emdash was absolutely the wrong punctuation to use there. If they have to terminate plans and cannot change them by adding onto them, which I doubt, then that complaint is valid. Complaining that plans are shut down because they don't provide comprehensive medical coverage is a separate complaint, and something of a bullshit one as well. Supposedly post-menopausal women have given birth before.

Comment Re:Please describe exactly (Score 0) 392

since we work hard to make more than $60k (in an area where that's essentially poverty-level income, given the local cost of living), we get none of the candy they're taking from other people

So because you've chosen to live where your meager skills won't permit you to make a good living, you're complaining? how's about you go someplace where you can get paid? You're whining about how your state handled obamacare, but that's your state. If it didn't come out the way you wanted, you share the blame. Next time, involve yourself in the politics. Now, everything is over for you but the weeping.

Comment Re: Please make this thing useful for development (Score 1) 101

I could not DISagree with you more. If you have supported hardware (Lenovo x230t here)

My hardware worked okay with their 4.3 release (ASUS EEE 701 4G here) but went into bootloop with 4.4-rc1. The 4.3 release was shit, mind you, but it did boot. You just had to do shit like hit the power button to wake up the lock screen. 4.0.something was the last Android-x86 release I tried which didn't asplode constantly once I got it working.

I'll keep trying every new release, but so far the only usable thing they've kicked out was obsoleted almost immediately.

Comment Re:Don't buy/invest in mainland China (if you can) (Score 1) 191

China circumvented that by arriving already at where the US is still heading: A rather small sliver of rich people oppressing a mass of poor ones, while at the same time ensuring that there is little upwards mobility, but just enough to create the odd success story to keep everyone believing in the dream.

That way you can effectively eliminate a middle class. But don't worry, the US is working hard to get rid of what's left of its middle class, then the two countries will be on par again.

Comment Re:Yes, pipelined utilities, like the logs (Score 1) 385

The awesome structured and indexed log file format has a stable API and structure

Odd, so does a syslog. And you can still use tools to read it. Indexed files could be built from it if you had that much logging done. And since systemd has no option to output the ascii log in realtime, you have to use the tools. If you want to use the body of existing tools which do things with normal log files, you'll now need a FUSE filesystem to treat the binary logs like real logs, or you'll simply be out of date as you read the ascii logs from journald.

Comment Re: Please make this thing useful for development (Score 3, Insightful) 101

android-x86 is a bit of a dog's breakfast. They only kick out a release image every now and again, everything never works, lots of crashes. The latest 4.4 image is way less stable than the last 4.0 image they put out, and they stopped building nightlies and so did everyone else. It's really quite useless and always has been, because they never actually finish a release. Google kicks out a new version, they say "Ooh, shiny!" and they move on before they actually get the system working reliably or properly. Then you get to deal with all the apps that won't work right on x86 on top of that. It makes far more sense at this point to go ahead and run the emulator.

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