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Comment Re:Censorship in the UK (Score 1) 138

This is hardly something new. Books have been censored since before the invention of the printing press, especially if they are about the secret services or might leak information that the government considers sensitive. Before the internet the BBFC pretty effectively controlled what British people could see. There is a specific law allowing the government to censor newspapers.

Despite the on-going assault on freedom, we are winning and will continue to win. The internet massively increased our freedom and blocked a lot of censorship. We have to stay vigilant of course, but we are definitely subject to less censorship now than we were in the past.

Comment Re:Consumption's up (Score 2) 138

so I wonder how much damage this "rise in piracy" is actually doing.

None. Piracy increases income.

At the end of the day I could go and hunt down a pirate copy of the book I need, find a website that actually allows me to download it, avoid the viruses and so forth. Or I could just buy it easily from Amazon, and strip the DRM for backup purposes. You see the legitimate content has a massive advantage here: It's much easier to get and comes with the ability to sync notes etc. with the cloud (if you don't mind Amazon knowing your reading habits), while it's not too difficult to remove the DRM for a backup copy.

Most people just prefer to head over to a trusted torrent site, free from viruses and the like, and download a clean DRM-free copy. It's easier and quicker, and if they are young or don't have a credit card it is also affordable and possible for them to do. Pirate copies are always the best quality ones, unless the vendor goes DRM free, and even then... eBooks are relatively easy to convert from one format to another, but movies and music are more hassle and why would people bother?

Comment Re:And what about the infrastructure issues? (Score 1) 294

Seems like there should be no way to override the automatic brakes. Japanese shinkansen (bullet trains) are like that. When certain events happen they can't be overridden and will always stop no matter what. I'm not sure about slower trains.

The shinkansen network is the gold standard. Never had a fatal accident or serious injury, despite operating the fastest trains in the world since 1964. Billions of passengers have used the system in that time. It is possible to be safe, fast and highly profitable if the will is there.

Comment Re:Already has (Score 2) 158

What I mean is that, for example, often one line ends and the next begins too fast for any normal person to breathe. Rap has some extreme examples of this. I recall a live performance by Eminem a few years ago where he sang most of each line but then had someone else cover the last couple of words so that he could get enough oxygen for the next line.

There is a lot of other marginal stuff that can be sung but you need to re-arrange the music a fair bit for it to sound good. That's one of the reasons why karaoke versions are often re-arranged rather than the original version. When the original is available it is usually an older pre-1990 song.

Comment Re:If you can update the software... (Score 1) 86

Do you destroy the USB ports on your laptop before taking it out of the house? I don't, I just rely on physical security and locking down the OS.

Well, I do avoid laptops with Thunderbolt, PC Card and Firewire ports, or disable them completely because they are huge security risks that can't be mitigated any other way. But USB doesn't give the device DMA access to the system, so as long as I control access to the OS it's fine.

Comment Re:New fangled technology (Score 1) 86

The modern equivalent of an AUX socket is MirrorLink. It basically displays your phone's screen on the dash board screen, complete with touch input. The protocol is based on VNC. Some phones have a special "car mode" that opens when you connect, with big easy buttons and limited functionality.

That's what they should be adding. The head unit only needs basic functionality, i.e. radio and maybe sat nav if you also offer infinite free updates. Everything else people can use their phones for.

Comment Re:So where's the transcript? (Score 0) 117

Since most open source software is developed over the internet, "on the internet nobody knows you're a dog."

Says user BarbaraHudson :-)

You hammer on a point too long, you turn potential supporters right off.

Indeed, which is one of the key tactics of the MRAs. You can find extensive discussion of how they created hundreds of sock puppet accounts and astroturfed the hell out of both sides in an attempt to both confuse and cause people to turn off with fatigue:

Those are the logs published by the MRAs themselves, by the way. Raw and unedited, massive but easy to search. For some hints on what to search for check out

Comment Re:Thanks, but life is too short. (Score -1, Flamebait) 117

How ironic that you are complaining about people complaining about hurt feelings, when clearly your own feelings are pretty badly bruised just because this video was posted.

So why do you hate women so much? What is it about people saying "girly" things that offends you so much? You could listen and make a reasoned counter-argument for more segregation and less civility, but instead you posted a little rant about girly girls and the stupid girly things they say. Why do you feel that way?

Comment Re:This video lost me as "safe spaces" (Score -1, Flamebait) 117

As someone often accused of being an SJW I have to say that you have it completely backwards. I don't want segregation, I want integration. No preferential treatment, just equal treatment for everyone.

It's got nothing to do with the MRA special snowflakes being offended, I don't know why you mentioned them. It's just about a minimum standard of behaviour in a professional workplace. If you want to be unprofessional and basically a bit of a dick you can do it outside of work. In the office you leave your personal hang-ups at the door and behave like an adult.

Comment Re:Already has (Score 3, Insightful) 158

That's more a result of auto-tune and the loudness war. Actually this whole thing started in the late 80s, with 1990 being about the tipping point.

Before 1990 people tended to write lyrics and then set them to music. The music was built around what the vocalist could sing, because clearly the lead can only make one sound at a time and has to breathe from time to time. Then sampling became popular and people started to sample and layer up vocals, stitching them together in a way that no vocalist could repeat in real life, and applying effects to them.

People who sing will be familiar with this, especially if they do a lot of covers of popular songs (e.g. karaoke). A lot of post 1990 stuff is very hard to do live, if not impossible.

Later we got auto-tune. That lets people do ridiculous things with their voices, because they can hit notes effortlessly and it becomes more like playing an instrument than actually singing. Add the loudness war in and you get lots of distortion and ringing added into the vocal mix. Real time effects are standard too.

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