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Journal Journal: Why windows is so good 6

Windows is full of musical fun, with colourful, blinking icons that pop up messages and talk as the user presses the keys! Choose three different themes and user can hear notes, full tunes, or a chorus of sounds. In each setting, the cheerful buttons come to life with bright colours and even guide the user along! Requires 3 GB HDD (not included).

  • colorful, pop-ups & blinking icons offer visual stimulation.
  • music & sounds stimulate auditory skills.
  • pressing keys fosters eye-hand coordination & fine motor skills.
  • strengthens gross motor skills as user sits up to play.
  • helps user understand cause and effect of actions.
  • classical music enhances learning skills.
  • task manager enhances users's sense of security & comfort.
  • invites user to hug sysadmin & express friendship.

Ages: 9 to 99.

Also for sale: Windows XP Plus pack! Get yours today and enjoy these benefits:

  • batting at the keys fosters eye-hand coordination.
  • encourages physical milestones as user learns to smash keyboard, sit & stand [at the same time!] during crashes.
  • music & sounds enhance users auditory skills.
  • pop-ups & colorful themes stimulate lack of aesthetic sense.
  • MORE classical music enhances learning skills.
  • helps user understand that different actions cause different responses.
  • wasting time inspires creativity.
  • encourages pretend work as a user.

Get Windows (tm) with the Plus! pack for your employees today and see the benefits! Never lose another company baseball game! No more need for OSHA certified equipment! Fewer workplace injuries!


Journal Journal: ITT: Feeds from Iraq & such

Post any cool stuff relating to C-Band/Ku-Band wildfeed/uplink/live transmissions relating to Iraq, or anything cool seen on any of the middle-eastern (or Iraq TV itself) channels. Let all the LSD owners know what they're missing!

Currently T6/6 has some interesting, possibly live, Reuters footage from Iraq (March 20, 1:43 AM EST). The city seems surprisingly active despite the war. Earlier a live Sky TV uplink transmission was seen (Press guy in full armor :-) None too happy about the lack of techs to help get him on the air).


Journal Journal: Hot, Forbidden Topic (I hope) 5

Well, for those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I'm atheist/agnostic.

Why'd I tell you that?

Because, unlike, it seems, most atheists, I deplore abortion. I always feel disappointed to see atheist sites promoting pro-choice as the only logical decision an atheist can come to. They're wrong (not on their decision, per se, but definately wrong on the idea that atheism and abortion go hand in hand), and to suggest that there's only one answer to an issue strikes against the entire notion of agnosticism, and, to a lesser degree, atheism.

The usual stance taken by atheists is that the world needs less problems, and that a child born to a mother that would have rather had an abortion would be a problem child, hence, the child should not exist. This seems like an awfully shortsighted argument, though. If one supports the reduction of problems by removing (by any means necessary) the problem from society, does it not follow that you support the death penalty? What about children that prove to be a problem? Should they not be aborted for the health of society?

If you have an argument against what I've said, I'd like to hear it.

So, are you atheist? What side are you on? Are you on one? Why?

I'd love to see how many of you are on which side of the issue, and I'd love to start a debate on this. What better place than slashdot? :-)

If you want to know why my opinion is such, go ahead, just ask.

Journal Journal: Slashdot Zoo 1

Just adjusted my foes list. Trimmed out the reformed users, added some new ones.

Hope everyone else gets some time to do this! Then the Friend-of-Friend and Friend-of-Foe modifiers could be raised. :-)


Journal Journal: Just call 1-800-F**K-UPS 7

Update (feb 18, 2k3): IT MADE IT! My package made it. It was dirtier than a New York taxicab floormat, but it made it!


UPS just hit a new low. They've now admitted they've lost track of my package after having admitted to shipping it to the wrong city. It's been sitting in limbo for half a day. UPS hasn't a clue where it really is right now. I'm posting a [censored] version of the tracking for your amusement. I should note I'm in "city #1" and that "city #2" and "city #3" are about an hour away. I expect with this much bouncing the package will arrive in a spherical shape.

Their answer isn't to put a trace on it automatically, though. I have to bother the sender instead (which is difficult, because it was sent via a logistics company by the store I bought it from). Isn't UPS customer service helpful?

At least they offered to refund my shipping. Which doesn't mean much when the shipping was included in the price of the item anyways, unless UPS wants to cut the cheque for me (ha! that would be a laugh! I'd post it here but slashdot doesn't allow ACII art unless it's pictures of torn [censored]).

The package was supposed to arrive 3 days ago. Ne'er to a knock at my door. Nevermore?

Status: In Transit
Rescheduled Delivery: 17 Feb 2003
Shipped to: [censored], ON, CA
Shipped or Billed on: 13 Feb 2003

Tracking Number: [censored]
Service Type: STANDARD
Weight: 1.00 Lb

Date Time Location Activity
17 Feb 2003 8:01 City #1, ON, CA OUT FOR DELIVERY
          7:33 City #2, ON, CA DEPARTURE SCAN
          7:27 City #1, ON, CA ARRIVAL SCAN
15 Feb 2003 4:07 City #2, ON, CA DEPARTURE SCAN
          7:59 City #1, ON, CA OUT FOR DELIVERY
          7:15 City #1, ON, CA ARRIVAL SCAN
          6:14 City #2, ON, CA DEPARTURE SCAN
          5:01 City #2, ON, CA ARRIVAL SCAN
13 Feb 2003 22:29 [censored], PQ, CA DEPARTURE SCAN
          21:34 [censored], PQ, CA ORIGIN SCAN


Journal Journal: UPS spells F-U-N!

Want to ship dumber, lamer, and slower? Click here to learn more!

Man those UPS guys are getting cheezier by the miunte. It's gonna take them 'till Monday to ship an overnight package from Quebec to Ontario that was sent off on Thursday. And they say I'll get a refund... sorta hard when shipping was included already!

I think I'll change my middle name to "NO-UPS" from now on when I get things shipped.


It's always fun when people ship to my house by UPS! Fedex, usually a little late, but never a problem. Purolator always on time, but sometimes they drop refrigerators on my packages (FutureShop had a bit of a laugh at the now quarter-height CD-ROM I returned). Canada Post, bless them, always leaves packages at the mail depot and treats them so gingerly they must think I've been shipped nuclear waste.

But with UPS you never really do know what you'll be getting! Sometimes I have maps to my house drawn on my packages by drivers, or the package ends up in limbo hours away from my house 'till I call! Or my personal favourite, the "Yes, I know shipping from the US for this 2 lb. package was $75 already, but there's the $50 in brokerage fees and taxes you have to pay on top of that before we'll release the hostage package" line.

It's so much fun I think I might have just busted my spleen!

User Journal

Journal Journal: H-1B Visas in the US 7

Unfortuantely, I'd have liked to comment on this journal entry made by one of my friends/fans, but they didn't enable comments.

So, I'll leave my take on the issue here, and enable comments so we can stir up some healthy discussion on the topic.

Basically, I disagree. In my opinion, the reason for the current downfall of the US economy is due to a lack of immigration. No new skills are being imported, and the types of skills that American culture can generate have run dry. The US needs fresh blood to jumpstart its economy.

When a country allows immigration, even in the form of a temporary visa which can later be turned into permanent citizenship (perhaps my idea of the H-1B is off, I'm not American, sorry) one imports the skills of an individual who understands they need to work hard to get a footing in a new country. The country from which that person emmigrated already made the investment in getting that worker the skills they need. The country they will immigrate to gets a serious gift -- the $100,000 (or so) that educating that person would have normally cost is now effectively cost free.

So, to start with, the new country gets $100,000 worth of tax investment free of charge.

Next benefit is the fact that the worker has chosen to come to their new country. I think it's easy to argue that when someone makes their own life choices rather than having them impressed, or forced upon them, they are much more apt to stick with them.

Another benefit is that they're starting from square one. Everything they want in the new country will need to be purchased, causing a much needed influx in the housing economy (not to mention other sectors that benefit from this, like the Automobile industry, for example).

Increased immigration causes increased social diversity. While some countries unfortunately frown upon such activity, a country is much stronger when it has a high social and ethnic diversity. This is difficult to explain apart from the old axiom that a monoculture won't survive very long. I suppose, in simple terms, people start to understand each other's cultures, and gain an increased respect for others in this understanding, when it's difficult to form your own racially based cliques (wether the clique be in the form of everyone being of the same culture or not doesn't matter).

Also, one cannot forget that in virtually all industrialized 1st-world countries population is on the decline. In a country with as much usable land mass as the US, this is a shame and immigration would help to boost population, which, in turn, will help boost the economy.

And, last but not least, the most important benefit is that these workers will often have skills non-immigrans don't have, and don't want. For example, finding people willing to work in the trades, especially the tool and die industry, is extremely difficult, even in the worst of economies, in my country. However, many, many, many, immigrants have filled this need in our country. They never really took any jobs from anyone else -- nobody was interested.

What all this adds up to is a healthier economy that stimulates job growth and solves its own employment problems while retaining the less tangible benefits of a more diverse society and increased education level.

Of course, I am biased, as I'm Canadian by birth. This means, like the majority of children born in this country (or so it would seem), my parents were immigrants. And despite the fact that when they moved here their life was economically hard enough that they depended on charities to keep eating, our family is now envied by many born Canadians who have never endured any such hardships, but have simply chosen a life devoid of self-improvement.

Just my 2 cents. :-) Take 'em or leave 'em.

User Journal

Journal Journal: WOW! I can't believe it wasn't homer! 1

After the last set of writers totally stank up "Homer's Adventures", or The Show Formerly Known as The Simpsons I decided to give it one last try after having not watched it for 6 or 7 months.

I can't believe it! It isn't Homer's Adventures anymore! It actually starred Marge for the first time in longer than I can remember! And, amazingly, they actually had Snowball do something useful for the first time. But, better than that, the situations were actually somewhat believeable! WOW! Even Fox must have been impressed because they moved their standard "Horrible Show that Sucks worse than a Vax but we Really Need you to watch it" 8:30 show to 9:00 for another episode.

To put it simply: Writers, if you keep this up, I might add this season to my list of DVDs to buy, when available (currently only seasons 1-5). If you want to ensure I buy it, let Lisa be a non-hippie free-thinker again. I respected her much more as a character when she was actually intelligent, rather than just an accumulation of popular alternative memes.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hmmm... 2

Well... I'm just in the process of cleaning up a client's computer infected by klez, dupator, opaserv, bugbear, and magistr. Of course, the client will be charged $100 for this service, since I've spent hours fighting these various viruses (there may be more... that's just how many I've been able to identify) which are each fighting each other.

So, I found a great deal on McAfee Antivirus 6.0 for the guy. $0.97! Can you believe that! And it isn't even hot! Wow...

I tell the guy he really needs to buy it. I mean, for $0.97, hell, it isn't exactly a stretch. It's a protest when I say he needs to buy a copy per computer (he has more than one).

Why is this? Does he think he won't be billed $100 for this service already?

The Simpson's is more and more like American life than I really want it to be in these later episodes.

The client's solution, which I'm trying to tell him isn't a good idea, is to take all his computers off the net, and buy one "internet terminal". All over $0.97 of AntiVirus!



Journal Journal: Telephone recording question... 1

Well, when I get bored I like to read things like the criminal code. Yes, that makes me more bored. That way I fall asleep faster so that the next day rolls about and (hopefully) has something more interesting in store.

So, here's my question:

What're the rules on recording phone conversations in Ontario, Canada?

According to the Criminal code, section 184(2)(b) makes one-party consent legal. In other words, if one of the two parties involved in the conversation decides to tape it, they may.

The text:

184. (1) Every one who, by means of any electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, wilfully intercepts a private communication is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

Saving provision

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to

(a) a person who has the consent to intercept, express or implied, of the originator of the private communication or of the person intended by the originator thereof to receive it;

(b) a person who intercepts a private communication in accordance with an authorization or pursuant to section 184.4 or any person who in good faith aids in any way another person who the aiding person believes on reasonable grounds is acting with an authorization or pursuant to section 184.4;

(c) a person engaged in providing a telephone, telegraph or other communication service to the public who intercepts a private communication,

(i) if the interception is necessary for the purpose of providing the service,

(ii) in the course of service observing or random monitoring necessary for the purpose of mechanical or service quality control checks, or

(iii) if the interception is necessary to protect the person's rights or property directly related to providing the service; or

(d) an officer or servant of Her Majesty in right of Canada who engages in radio frequency spectrum management, in respect of a private communication intercepted by that officer or servant for the purpose of identifying, isolating or preventing an unauthorized or interfering use of a frequency or of a transmission.

(3) [Repealed, 1993, c. 40, s. 3]

R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 184; 1993, c. 40, s. 3.

My question is: Does the party doing the recording have to inform the other party about it? If they do and the other party protests, must the recording end?

It appears not, but then I read things like this, and wonder -- do rules like this apply to private converations between individuals, and not involving a compnay?

[ This partly comes out of interest due to a particularly displeasureable phone conversation I had with someone involving getting info out of me after a minor MVA involving them that had occurred earlier in the week. ]

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Funny moments on the web 2

So I'm watching Insomniac With David Attel on TV again, and they flash these cool underpants that say "I love to fart" on them.

Well, my websurfing radar went off at that point, and I just had to see where that would lead me.

Well, it turns out that the "related newsgroups" feature of deja is more truthful that one could be lead to believe.


More fun with deja...


Journal Journal: Bell Canada's UGLY website 2

Ugggh... Bell Canada actually has popup advertising on their site. Not for other companies, mind you, just for their own stuff. Popups that ask you to buy cell phones, participate in some sort of sweepstakes, etc, etc.

Well, due to incompetent web design, their popups are pop OVERs. They actually cover up forms when you need to type things. Some of them pop up after about 5 seconds, thereby screwing up form input. So I thought I'd be nice and ask the webmaster about it...

Here's my submission (they don't give out email addresses on their site... I assume because they don't understand how to do spam filtering... probably too hard for them):

I just noticed all the new popups on your site. They are very annoying, distracting, and some of them make it impossible to fill in various fields on your forms (such as the title-less popup that covers the 'enter your phone number' section with the deceptively hard to find 'close' button when I'm looking to see if DSL is available in my region). I just wanted to let you know so you could improve your site by removing the popups.

I thought this was pretty reasonable, although sometimes I do come off a little forward.

Their reply (I've stripped it a bit for copyright reasons, and because they had a lot of marketing-speak in it) [my comments are in italics]:

I apologize that the pop-up messages on the Bell Canada site are a
source of annoyance to you. I can certainly understand your point of
view if you are not interested in this type of informational service.

How is it informational if all the info is already on your site?

The use of pop-up boxes is a common marketing practice on the world
wide web and one that Bell will continue to utilize, as the majority
of our customers want to be kept informed of new developments and
service offerings.

Uhhh, the use of popups are a way for free websites to make money. I didn't realise bell was a charity. If you need money so bad, why don't you just increase your prices? (on second thought, forget all about that) How many customers actually care about entering some really lame-ass sweepstakes that could win me about $5? ZERO.

A bunch of suggestions to use popup blockers (!!) removed. For a laugh, here's the link they provided:

I haven't replied to the message. Any suggestions?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Busy, busy 5

So many messages, so little time to read them all...

Well, due to slashbugs, I can't calculate my karma anymore (slashdot only stores 50 messages [give or take] at a time). Basically, though, as usual, Karma: Excellent. I'm happy everyone finds my comments so insightful!

I really wish this was something that showed up when people clicked user info. Maybe in the future!

User Journal

Journal Journal: The environmentalists are out in full force tonite 3

Update: I have seen people wonder why it is that I seem to dislike environmentalists so much.

It's been my experience, unfortunately, that the majority of environmentalists have this type of attitude. They like to tell people like me I'm evil, bad, horrible, whatever.

Well, GUESS WHAT... You don't attract flies with vinegar, do you? And then people like greenpeace wonder exactly why it is that they can't get through to "big oil". Let me give you a hint: It has a lot to do with calling them "big oil". Sort of like how you don't get friends with people at work by calling them "fatass", "loser", etc...

Now, don't get me wrong. I like a good environmental solution as much as the next guy. My problem is that these same environmentalists that fly off the handle at every turn are _exactly_ the same ones trying to get new laws passed to restrict what you and I can do. And again, you get our backs up.

Don't get me wrong. I don't go out burning forests, or throwing away perfectly recyclable things. But too many environmentalists use laws to push what is actually just a hippie agenda. Case in point: The town of Guelph, Ontario, Canada has to pick through their trash and separate it into "Wet" and "Dry" trash so that it can be "better" recycled/composted. UGH! I'd love to see some numbers on it, but I doubt it's the great success it was supposed to be since it's never made it into any other local towns. Just another hippie using the environment as a pawn in their agenda.

People like that make me sick.

Let's get with it and come up with solutions that are viable and useful. And let's not throw about facts and figures in an attempt to decapitate each other's arguments.

Enough for now...


Nice to see how environmentalists use their power to quash the ideas of the "rebel" forces.

Please, mod me down some more! For each -1 mod point I will buy another 10 ft. of vinyl siding for my shed. And I'll treat myself to a rainforest destroying Big Mac (I'll ask for whichever container has the most styrofoam).

Mmmm... this could get tasty. And it could get the shed finished in record time!

I proudly wear my anti-stupid environmentalism badge as a personal honour. You should too. Nothing is more wasteful than inane environmentalism.

And I promise my kids (whenever that happens) will see and enjoy the circus bros. yearly. They deserve at least that much education.

At least this year idiot environmentalists didn't get an extra million turkeys killed by poisoning a gross. It might take decades, but eventually stupid people learn. I guess that's why it took so long to go from global cooling to global warming!

User Journal

Journal Journal: I have a stalking fan, it appears! 19

Update: Well, it's all over now. Everything has been dealt with, and life goes on. I want to thank everyone who posted here with support and suggestions, and I now consider this matter a closed case

Again, thanks for noticing and everyone on slashdot: Don't let the bastards get ya down! :-)


Well, it had to happen sometime, I suppose.

I don't have a clue what he's talking about, though. What the hell is Rose-Hulman, and where did he get the idea that I'm going to a US college?

Interesting that someone would make it their job to anonymously stalk me. I just want to take this moment to let them know I'm not at all interested in having a relationship with them, not matter what their personal feelings are for me.

I truly hope this isn't some form of jealous retribution from someone whom I may have earlier surpassed in number of comments.

Just FYI, it's been my experience that most posters on slashdot are Men. I should let you know right now I'm not gay and have no interest in pursuing a gay relationship with you. And if you're a woman, and only if you're hot, I might go for a one night stand. But realize I won't pursue a lasting relationship with a stalker -- it's too dangerous.

I do appreciate the custom crafted troll, though. Thanks for the thought.

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Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
