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Journal shepd's Journal: WOW! I can't believe it wasn't homer! 1

After the last set of writers totally stank up "Homer's Adventures", or The Show Formerly Known as The Simpsons I decided to give it one last try after having not watched it for 6 or 7 months.

I can't believe it! It isn't Homer's Adventures anymore! It actually starred Marge for the first time in longer than I can remember! And, amazingly, they actually had Snowball do something useful for the first time. But, better than that, the situations were actually somewhat believeable! WOW! Even Fox must have been impressed because they moved their standard "Horrible Show that Sucks worse than a Vax but we Really Need you to watch it" 8:30 show to 9:00 for another episode.

To put it simply: Writers, if you keep this up, I might add this season to my list of DVDs to buy, when available (currently only seasons 1-5). If you want to ensure I buy it, let Lisa be a non-hippie free-thinker again. I respected her much more as a character when she was actually intelligent, rather than just an accumulation of popular alternative memes.

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WOW! I can't believe it wasn't homer!

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