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Journal shepd's Journal: The environmentalists are out in full force tonite 3

Update: I have seen people wonder why it is that I seem to dislike environmentalists so much.

It's been my experience, unfortunately, that the majority of environmentalists have this type of attitude. They like to tell people like me I'm evil, bad, horrible, whatever.

Well, GUESS WHAT... You don't attract flies with vinegar, do you? And then people like greenpeace wonder exactly why it is that they can't get through to "big oil". Let me give you a hint: It has a lot to do with calling them "big oil". Sort of like how you don't get friends with people at work by calling them "fatass", "loser", etc...

Now, don't get me wrong. I like a good environmental solution as much as the next guy. My problem is that these same environmentalists that fly off the handle at every turn are _exactly_ the same ones trying to get new laws passed to restrict what you and I can do. And again, you get our backs up.

Don't get me wrong. I don't go out burning forests, or throwing away perfectly recyclable things. But too many environmentalists use laws to push what is actually just a hippie agenda. Case in point: The town of Guelph, Ontario, Canada has to pick through their trash and separate it into "Wet" and "Dry" trash so that it can be "better" recycled/composted. UGH! I'd love to see some numbers on it, but I doubt it's the great success it was supposed to be since it's never made it into any other local towns. Just another hippie using the environment as a pawn in their agenda.

People like that make me sick.

Let's get with it and come up with solutions that are viable and useful. And let's not throw about facts and figures in an attempt to decapitate each other's arguments.

Enough for now...


Nice to see how environmentalists use their power to quash the ideas of the "rebel" forces.

Please, mod me down some more! For each -1 mod point I will buy another 10 ft. of vinyl siding for my shed. And I'll treat myself to a rainforest destroying Big Mac (I'll ask for whichever container has the most styrofoam).

Mmmm... this could get tasty. And it could get the shed finished in record time!

I proudly wear my anti-stupid environmentalism badge as a personal honour. You should too. Nothing is more wasteful than inane environmentalism.

And I promise my kids (whenever that happens) will see and enjoy the circus bros. yearly. They deserve at least that much education.

At least this year idiot environmentalists didn't get an extra million turkeys killed by poisoning a gross. It might take decades, but eventually stupid people learn. I guess that's why it took so long to go from global cooling to global warming!

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The environmentalists are out in full force tonite

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