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Comment Re:It will never work (Score 1) 142

Try as you might you will never erase this country's image of Philly being a scum sucking cesspool of human flesh for killing the Hitchbot.

Try as you might you will never make 99.44% of the Earth's population give one tenth of one fuck about something someone left on the side of the road, when they have important things to worry about.

Comment Re:The Firefox OS project needs to be terminated. (Score 1) 128

I strongly disagree. Take a look at the video I linked earlier. I'd also recommend you take a look at the new 2.5 builds. A lot has happened since 2013. We're seeing things happen with FXOS that iOS and Android simply can't do.

If you can't explain why, and someone to whom you're trying to promote the OS has to go watch a video and actually download and trial the OS you're talking about, it's probable that none of the features are actually that compelling. If they were, you would remember what they were and you could tell us about them, or at least name them.

Don't be lazy. Tell us why we should care, or stop expecting us to.

If FXOS succeeds, everybody wins. If it fails, everyone loses.

That is FUD bullshit. What does FirefoxOS give me over a real Linux distribution running Firefox?

Comment Re:The Firefox OS project needs to be terminated. (Score 1) 128

FirefoxOS is an extremely important project, right up there with the browser at the time it was conceived.

Why? Why would I care? Why would I want FirefoxOS over a less-fucked over version of Linux running Firefox? What makes it so important? I'll let you know, and the answer is nothing. There's nothing compelling about FirefoxOS. It forgets that the whole reason that ChromeOS even exists today is that Android still isn't good enough to host full desktop Chrome. When Android Chrome reaches parity with desktop Chrome, ChromeOS is going away. And then Firefox will have doubly no reason to exist.

Comment Re:The Firefox OS project needs to be terminated. (Score 1) 128

We know that Mozilla has poured a huge amount of resources into its development. These are resources that could have been put to better use, like by improving desktop Firefox,

The problem with Mozilla is that when they put more "resources" into "improving desktop Firefox" they shit it up and make us hate it. What they really need to do is fire a few people, cut back on their mission creep problem, and focus on keeping Firefox current and not fucking it up.

Comment Re:Compiler optimizer bugs (Score 2) 285

^^^ 2015 nominee for most terrifying sentence on Slashdot :)

I don't get scared when I read that stuff. I just say, "Oh, that explains Adobe" or whatever. The truth is that the world is a fractally more fucked up place than you think it is. Most people are doing it wrong and proud, regardless of their job. Or, they're phoning it in, and they know it. But since our world is not even close to being a meritocracy, we're going to have more of that.

Comment Re:Smart (Score 1) 291

As for "definite information" - Tesla asked people participating in the pilot program to sign NDAs.

So the answer, then, is no. But there's nothing worth hiding, if people have already broken down a battery pack, so what are they hiding?

Comment Re:Smart (Score 1) 291

Cite? From what I see that ceases being true by about age 30 for the vast majority of people.

No, you've got that backwards. Millenials don't give a shit about cars. But IME the majority of people who give their cars names are over thirty and female, or over fifty and male.

Comment Re:Sustainable? (Score 1) 397

Turkey fat is industrial waste, putting it in cars and milkshakes would be more environmentally sustainable than continuing to ignore the reality.

Well, I don't know how you got onto turkeys in particular, but Tyson Chicken (the world's largest producer of waste animal fat) has a chicken-fat-to-biodiesel plant...

Comment Re:Smart (Score 0) 291

So Tesla rigged the gauge when they did the swap? That's a bold claim.

What I'm saying is that the available evidence supports that idea at least as much as the idea that they're actually doing swaps. If they're actually doing swaps, why is definitive evidence so hard to come by?

Would you accept that his car didn't run out of energy while driving after the swap?

Yep. Would you accept that the vehicle actually behaved differently, but he didn't notice? If you chopped 5% of the performance off completely linearly, nobody would even notice.

Comment Re:Snark on Detroit? (Score 1) 291

I'll agree that the average car of the 1980s was ugly as sin, and nearly as bad from a quality standpoint.

The 1970s were characterized by awful design coupled with 1960s technology. The cars of the 1970s are no more advanced than the cars of the 1960s. By contrast, the cars of the 1980s are dramatically more advanced... the imports, anyway. Japanese and German shitboxen got sequential fuel injection and advanced suspension designs. Most American cars were still using throttle body injection in the 80s, but at least they had discovered fuel injectors.

Comment That's Crazy Expensive (Score 4, Insightful) 397

Ensure is 1/3 of a daily meal plan and costs $1.19/unit. In order to be successful, a new product has to be cheaper and better. If your definition includes sustainability then it might be "better", but at literally twice the price of the entrenched competition, it's got to be twice as good. But it's little more than half the food value... So it's got to taste almost four times as good as Ensure to be compelling. Guess what?

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