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Comment Yep, blame the "workers". (Score 2) 122

In such cases, it is _allways_ management that is at fault. Management _must_ make sure inspections are independently verified, there are spot-checks, there is enough time to do the tests and no pressure to skip them, there are video-recordings, etc. If management makes it easy to skip the tests (as they have done here), they carry the full blame.

Comment Re:Perfect is not wanted (Score 1) 80

Technical debt may also have far more impact than just "your company". That said, what you want is "good". Nil-wit managers are pretty good at convincing themselves that fake "good enough" is "good", but they are far less good at doing that for something that is not actually good and the evaluation is direct.

Aiming for "perfect", on the other hand, is just stupid. Doing that is an instance of the Nirvana fallacy (

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