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Comment Re:how is this unjust? (Score 2) 78

The basics:

JC pushed and pushed Zenimax to get into VR and they turned up their nose to the ideas and JC worked some on the side (using sensor fusion work he did at armadillo aerospace and a shader that could correct for lens distortion, and some porting work on Doom3)

Zenimax wanted nothing to do with VR but JC really liked it so he left and joined a company that got bought up for really big money. Zenimax got $$ in their eyes and started digging for anything they could pin on the people involved.

It was found in the court case that the Doom3 code was used as a demo without permission and that JC had reimplemented (non-litteral copying) the shader code for use at occulus.

They also found, it seems correctly, that there was a demo of a headset JC worked on with Palmer Luckey to execs at Facebook that prompted the buyout.

Comment Re:Huh... (Score 2) 78

No patents this was copyright lawsuit. The very specific BS part is that Zenimax convinced a jury that "Non-litteral copying" was a thing. And that although no code was cut and pasted into anything Oculus has, the fact that he had originally written the code and had access to it that now anything he writes similar to it is also copyright infringement.

It's a pretty scary case really.

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