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Comment Re:FAA could only *limit* US launched rockets (Score 1) 283

I find it funny, we finally have territory that isn't already occupied and we're fighting over not being able to claim it. I'm sure if there were native mooninites we'd already be slaughtering, enslaving, and sending them gift blankets just like every other territory ever inhabited by modern humans.

I guess we has humans can't have something unless it is taken away from someone else.

Comment Re:I can't wait! (Score 0, Troll) 471

Just because there are 3-4 naysayers doesn't mean systemd isn't the best thing possible for Linux. It really is the one and only thing that Linux has been missing for more than 20 years. Now that we have an all encompassing boot process we can do away with all the other crap sold under the guise of "choice" and settle on a single system that works all the time and does everything you should want to do.

Comment Re:Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enoug (Score 1) 60

What big data brings to the table is you can find that "A" is strongly correlated with "B" and have not even an inkling as to why.

If you scan all medical and personal records throughout history and find that everyone that owns a yellow Camero (no matter what year) at some point in their life comes down with liver cancer at 45. Sure you can make up reasons all you want but if there is no other correlation in the data, do you just ignore it? What if it's just 90% of the Camero owners? even 50% or 20% would still be a significant correlation to start asking about car ownership history.

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