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Comment Re:I have one (Score 1) 84

This is an interesting opinion. I've had my GearVR on at least 30 people and every one of them thought it was amazing and couldn't get enough many started changing their idea of what their next phone would be.

If you said that about google cardboard I'd agree, it is a pretty terrible example compared to what's available.

Comment Re:I have one (Score 1) 84

It really is posts like these that have contributed to Oculus's success. Their marketing (or anti-marketing) has been it's crap, don't get excited about it, wait until we have a product, etc etc. Then show it at trade shows and blow the socks off of the low expectations.

I've been playing Elete:Dangerous in mine and it is the best time I've ever had in a video game space ship.

Warts? yes.
"Heavy, bulky, uncomfortable, poor resolution and buggy software/drivers."? a bit hyperbole/exageration

Good job on keeping up the anti-marketing. It keeps the rush off the DK2s (which are running out anyway)

Comment Re:Just blacklist their mail servers (Score 1) 227

I almost always reply with slightly unreasonable salary requirements and/or relocation bonuses. I have no desire to move but if a place would pay me 50% more than I make now and give me a $50k relocation bonus then I'd probably do it.

I do the same thing with local stuff. I'm not really interested in leaving my current position, but if someone's willing to give me a 25% raise then I may be willing to move on, so I reply with:

I'm not actively seeking new employment but would consider anything at $1XXk. If that is within the scope of this job then I would be willing to discuss further. The number is usually about 25% more than I currently make. If everyone did this it may bring salaries up as they wouldn't be able to say they can't find people. They would be turning down people because of pay.

Comment Re:only a year? (Score 2) 125

I call BS on a large part of this. I have had slight movements at low frame rate that has made me almost hurl immediately, yet a game like Windlands which is like a spiderman simulater with swinging from tree to tree I was able to play with large sooping motions for hours without getting sick.

Anecdotes aside, this seems to be echoed pretty heavily in the Oculus share forums and VR related sub-reddits.

Comment Re:I'd be happy with fullhd per eye + 60fps (Score 1) 125

Currently we have 1/2 HD per eye at 75fps or 1/2 1440p per eye at 60fps. The next gen will likely be 1/2 4k per eye at 75fps.

With VR it is less the amount of motion and more the consistent fps greater than 60fps, 75fps is good 120fps would be near perfect. This makes porting games to VR difficult due to them not considering this a requirement during original development.

Comment Re:I'd be happy with fullhd per eye + 60fps (Score 2) 125

VR is not going to be just a hard core gaming medium. I thought the same thing at first as well. That was until I picked up a GearVR for my note 4. That was when I realized that there was a lot more than just games. And there isn't even any real content yet. Just lots of 5-10 minute demo level items that I find myself watching over and over.

Comment Re:Meh... (Score 1) 74

Not really, they've had 3 releases so far and another next month. DK1, DK2, GearVR and the new S6 GearVR coming soon. For a company that hasn't had a release they sure seem to be releasing a lot of stuff.

The DK2 is as good of a product as any early adopter type thing. If you are even mildly interested in VR it is worth it. I picked mine up a couple months ago and have used it every day since. sometimes for 6+ hours at a time.

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