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Comment Re:What's the difference between China and EU? (Score 2) 222

like what? child porn? incitement to murder? sure. i live in the West and i support suppression of that

like political criticism? religious satire? no. i do not support that

the country that limits a few vicious topics is not at all like the country that locks down all political speech threatening the political status quo

the former is very much a free country, the latter very much not a free country, and the difference is substantive and real and very serious

if you think a country that censors child porn is exactly the same as one that censors political speech, you're only announcing yourself as a moron who doesn't understand the topic

Comment Re:What's the difference between China and EU? (Score 1) 222

no, ask most english speakers what 50 cents means and they think Curtis James Jackson III born July 6, 1975

you really do have to spread the word about astroturfers paid by the chinese government to vomit propaganda on social media, most english speakers really are not aware of them

Comment Re:What's the difference between China and EU? (Score 2) 222

you've listed a bunch of red herrings, tangential topics, and pointless observations to say nothing valid or interesting at all on the topic

it's as if you lack the capacity for critical thought... or you are demonstrating a weak timid mind taught that to approach certain taboo topics and verboten observations leads to punishment


so here we see the mediocre fruitless mental quality of someone raised in a walled garden of a "harmonious" society of cotton headed propaganda tools

Comment Defective by design. (Score 4, Informative) 222

It doesn't help that most VPNs are so easy to detect and block at the IP header level. PPTP depends on the GRE IP protocol (47), and L2TP is usually tunneled over IPSec, which depends on the ESP IP protocol (50). By using different protocol numbers in the IP headers, the designers of these protocols made it mindlessly easy to block them, and made them harder to support, because routers have to explicitly know how to handle those nonstandard protocol numbers.

Comment Re:Hold your horses (Score 2) 211

Correct me if I'm wrong but without knowing the voltage isn't comparing amperage hours to one another useless?

5v * 1Ah = 5watt hours
12v * 1Ah = 12watt hours

Amp-hour isn't actually a unit of energy potential.

One AA battery has about 2.6ah * 1.5v = 3.9 watt/hr
One D Battery has about 18ah * 1.5v = 27 watt/hr

175 years = 1533000 hours * 7200 nanoampere seconds per hour = 11.06 ah. Which if it's .1 volt would be 1 watt/hr of capacity. Or if it was 10v it would be 100 watt hour. Makes a pretty big difference. And without knowing voltage we can't compare.

Comment Re:Not trying to excuse what he did (Score 1) 376

but had the first degree women friends of the Professor on Facebook not replied to that first woman saying that they were also in an online sexual relationship with the Professor, then the first woman wouldn't have considered his behavior sexual harassment, and she would have never retroactively taken back her consent to the online relationship.

Sadly, this seems to be the case for many recent sexual harassment cases, which is bad firstly because it turns innocent (not necessarily morally good, but criminally innocent) people into victims of the system and secondly because it muddies the water when it comes to real cases. Too many of these "angry ex-lover" cases, and people will tend to believe that actual cases are of the same kind.

She also said she felt trap near the end, but really how trapped could she have been?

You can feel very trapped in relationships, ask any of your married friends. ;-)

Seriously, over the Internet, when it's not really an actual relationship - yes, she does have attachment issues.

Comment Re:Fuck You Verizon (Score 0, Troll) 201

I seem to recall our tax money going to these companies to pay for a fiber infrastructure. It's more like the landscaper you hired and paid for mowed the neighbor's lawn but not yours.

Fascinating! So you can point to legislation that levied taxes to pay Verizon to put down fiber in places where they've chosen not to? If those appropriations actually specify deliverable services that they're not providing, that should be super easy for you to point out. Maybe not as easy as making up some "insightful" but completely misleading stuff about how it was taxes that Verizon funded FiOS and that they promised service at specific addresses that they've abandoned. Looking forward to your links.

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