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Submission + - New released NOAA data now confirms decades long cooling (

bricko writes: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most accurate, up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling for at least the past decade.

Responding to widespread criticism that its temperature station readings were corrupted by poor citing issues and suspect adjustments, NOAA established a network of 114 pristinely sited temperature stations spread out fairly uniformly throughout the United States. Because the network, known as the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), is so uniformly and pristinely situated, the temperature data require no adjustments to provide an accurate nationwide temperature record. USCRN began compiling temperature data in January 2005. Now, nearly a decade later, NOAA has finally made the USCRN temperature readings available.

According to the USCRN temperature readings, U.S. temperatures are not rising at all – at least not since the network became operational 10 years ago. Instead, the United States has cooled by approximately 0.4 degrees Celsius, which is more than half of the claimed global warming of the twentieth century.

USCRN data debunk claims that rising U.S. temperatures caused wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather events during the past year. The objective data show droughts, wildfires, and other extreme weather events have become less frequent and severe in recent decades as our planet modestly warms. But even ignoring such objective data, it is difficult to claim global warming is causing recent U.S. droughts and wildfires when U.S. temperatures are a full 0.4 degrees Celsius colder than they were in 2005.

Comment Re:Bring back the F1 (Score 1) 146

we had one of the best heavy lift rockets in the world, the Saturn V launch system. ... Only lift rocket that had a 100% success rate.

To be entirely fair, Saturn V only launched thirteen times. Falcon 9 is currently working on its tenth launch and has so far had a 100% success rate. (no cargo lost except one "hitchhiker" payload after an engine cutout, denied alternate means of insertion by NASA because of a ~5% risk to ISS, a known restriction before launch) The heavy lift version will come soon enough when they catch up with manufacturing enough F9 rockets.

Comment Re:Okay, so this has what to do with fracking then (Score 1) 154

My house is developing a few cracks here and there, and some people are even getting serious enough as to having some foundational issues.

This also happens in central Texas, where there aren't baby earthquakes happening. It's caused by ground settling under a slab foundation due to drought, and then again from the reverse when the drought ends. It's also the reason you don't have basements in Oklahoma or most of Texas, because eventually the foundations would just get floated out of the ground. Just because baby earthquakes are happening at the same time as cracks in the walls doesn't imply cause.

Comment Re:Cyveillance (Score 1) 349

I did a quick search of web access logs, and it appears seems to be their current favorite bot location. It reports a user agent of "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2)" (IE7? seems legit!), and the only other access I had with that user agent was from However, it only ever did a GET request for "/".

Comment Re:Cyveillance (Score 4, Interesting) 349

Oh that DMCA was issued by Cyveillance

Wow, I haven't heard of those assclowns in a LOOOOOONG time.

I even have a firewall rule for them them that I added at least ten years ago, so it's probably way out of date:

$IPFW add 100 deny ip from to any
$IPFW add 100 deny ip from to any

Yep, I see there's a more recent list here:

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