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Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 133

I don't really know anything about Kim's racial or political motivations. But I have copies of Machiaveli's "The Prince", Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", The Communist Manifesto, and have spent a good amount of time in Austria and a little in Germany (Vienna's beautiful.) And I work in the US supporting the DoD & DoE - My books hardly make me a traitor. And if Sun Tzu somehow miraculously signed my copy of "The Art of War", I'd think it was cool as hell. (Although it'd probably go to auction pretty quickly.)

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 133

The Axis advance was stopped in '42 and things started to settle down (comparatively - It was still pretty nasty.) The Russians kicked their asses the next year and the surrender happened in '45. Troops were being rotated to the front lines from several countries in '42 (rotated NOT meaning sent to the line until dead.) And, the year in which the person in question rotated in/out or when the war was over "for him" is pretty much irrelevant unless you're preparing something for the History Channel.

Comment Re:Common Examples (Score 1) 285

It depends where you get them, but I'll second that. A lot of people just "taste hot", but aside from the heat they're not entirely different from sweet peppers. Combined with some seranos, fresh tomatoes, and garlic they make for a nice salsa base.

Comment Re:What. (Score 2) 284

I fail to see the relevance. No wait - I do. If they're enforcing free speech, that means they can't regulate what a person (or corporation) can say. Or selectively not say of their own volition. Does Freedom of Speech imply that we force people/corporations to say things that they choose not to? Regardless of their motivations? If I run a web-site and there's an article somewhere that says, "China censors nothing!", do I have to provide a link to it despite the fact that I personally think it's biased?

Comment Re:WOW!!! Way to much time on their hands! (Score 1) 224

Which means it's up for debate. All we really know is that it's "not too far off" and likely in the wrong season.

Anyway it was meant mostly facetiously in case that wasn't apparent from the post. All I was trying to get across is that the calendar start time is arbitrary. Even if the gods descend and tell us the exact place, time, and date of the birth, that doesn't mean we have to change the year, or Christmas, or anything else. We've been rolling with it this long, why lift the whole train onto an identical set of parallel tracks? For the sake of accuracy? My guesstimate of the big bang wasn't far off from accepted theory. And, as a calendar start date, my big bang guess is as useful as the commonly used year 1 or Unix epoch or really any other metric.

Comment Re:Brake Pedal (Score 1) 262

Engineer-designed UIs are damned near perfect. As long as you're the engineer that designed them. And it hasn't been too long since you used them.

Yes - I am an engineer. And yes, I have outsmarted myself more than once. Go back to a 3-year-old project and think, "What was this person thinking??? Oh wait, that person was me..."

Comment Re:WOW!!! Way to much time on their hands! (Score 1) 224

Based on the birth of UNIX is at least agreed upon. The birth of Jesus is up for debate and an odd choice to try and promote as a global "Year Zero". We need to devote our resources to determining the exact moment of the big bang and start counting from there. At least writing the date would give people some idea of perspective. "Wow - I can't believe it's 13.805.624. already... Seems like just yesterday it was just 13.805.624.!" "Lord... It's only 13.805.624. I don't get off work until 13.805.624. today. I've been here since 13.805.624.!"

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