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Comment Re:Some Problems (Score 1) 110

When I cannot get downloads a MB/sec rates, I generally blame the server at the other end and not my broadband provider.

When the server at the other end is YouTube, it's not the server at the other end. Google has enormous capacity, both computing and bandwidth, and is extensively peered. But people do tend to blame the server, which is why Google is trying to make clear that it's not YouTube that's sucking when you have problems watching videos.

Comment Re:That does it (Score 2) 116

Better make it "No Cameras Allowed". Which, incidentally, also means "No Smartphones or Tablets Allowed", since they all have cameras... which would actually eliminate the risk of passwords being stolen as they're entered into a smartphone or tablet, since no smartphones or tablets are allowed. Problem solved!

Shut up, glasshole.

Jealous, much? Actually, I don't have Google Glass... but I'm hoping to get one for Christmas this year. Neener neener!

Comment Re:Battery not removeable? No HTC One M8 for me. (Score 1) 702

Considering all mobile phones had removable batteries until the past five years, it is a sneaky ploy. It'd be like buying a car that doesn't have a hood. Even if they don't explicitly say that you can service it, it is something that people expect.

The first really successful smartphone -- the iPhone, released in 2007 -- has never had removable batteries. In fact, since I got my first smartphone, about five years ago, I've only had one that did have removable batteries (Galaxy Nexus), and I never found it a particularly useful feature. I did buy an extra battery but swapping batteries frequently is inconsistent with keeping a good case on it, so after breaking a phone I found it was better to just charge it whenever I was near a charger. My Moto X doesn't have a removable battery.

Comment Re:That does it (Score 5, Funny) 116

Time to trademark a 'No Glass Allowed' symbol.

Better make it "No Cameras Allowed". Which, incidentally, also means "No Smartphones or Tablets Allowed", since they all have cameras... which would actually eliminate the risk of passwords being stolen as they're entered into a smartphone or tablet, since no smartphones or tablets are allowed. Problem solved!

Comment Re:Christmas is coming early this year (Score 1) 702

how many will it take for it to be a problem.

Given the amount of inconvenience and expense this is going to create for millions of people, I'd say it takes at least one, and probably more than that. Being pro-active is good, but security measures have to be balanced against probability of deployment, effectiveness and the cost of prevention. It's not possible to defend against every form of destructive sabotage of aircraft, so we have to pick and choose, and focus on high priority threats.

Comment Re:Actually makes good sense (Score 1) 702

Nice. "Darn it, this amusingly tiny-capacity obsolete tape drive isn't powering up. I must have forgotten to bring its .. uh .. [glance around suspiciously] battery. But I paid $800 for it in 1996! *sigh* Ok, TSA agent, you can have my tape drive.. and .. oh no! My ink jet printer isn't working either! You mean I forgot both batteries!? Dammit! So much for printing those colored pie charts on the plane for my .. uh .. presentation. Boy are your kids going to be happy Xmas morning. [glare slightly unconvincingly at TSA agent]"

[Later, on Xmas morning] "Here you go, Billy. You were a bad boy. I never loved you."

[But Billy turns out to be cool] "Whoa! I can salvage the head servo and reel motor from this tape drive, and build something nifty with my Arduino! OMG, does this printer have a stepper motor?"

I think this idea is getting up into the "three birds, one stone" territory.

Comment Re:Power? We dont need no stink'n power! (Score 1) 468

No they dont, aircraft hand on zero visibility all the time - heavy fog, torrential rain etc etc. If the conditions are right, you can be non-visual right up to the point where your main gear touches down - you can do that either manually or you can do that on autoland and have the autopilot put it down for you.

Comment Re:Tits and swords (Score 2) 153

Tried to read the first book. Barely literate drivel.

Sometimes people need a little help. Often (but not always!) they'll half-suspect the problem, and will prefix their remark with "is it just me, or..."

You didn't do that, but I'm going to be a pal and pretend you did, and then answer the question for you:

Yes, it's just you.

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 4, Interesting) 725

If you shot all the people you believe are demon possessed, there will be far less people you believe to be demon possessed. That doesn't make demon possession real.

Eugenics is based in part on gross oversimplifications of genetics and in part on the absurd idea that attributes like economic status are biologically heredity.

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