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Comment Regardless who Norad partners with. (Score 1) 59

Regardless who Norad partners with, I will use them. Why you ask? That's easy, they have the radar. I am pretty sure Google is just making stuff up as I don't think they have the radar facilities that the US and Canada have. So when I want to reliably track that red suited bastard, I'll ask the guys who actually know.

This year I got some new Starstreaks to replace my FIM-92j's, I'm pretty sure I'll shoot him down this time.

Comment Re:Going for cop's gun drastically escalates situa (Score 1) 368

Brown was shot because he escalated the situation to a "high risk arrest" by going for the cop's gun. Period.

We have no evidence that Brown was trying to take Wilson's gun, only the word of a cop who's been caught lying before. Cops know that "he was going for my gun" are magic words to justify themselves when they commit murders.

And of course it's irrevelvant whether Brown tried to get control of Wilson's gun earlier in the confrontation. Brown was not trying to do so when he was murdered, he was (according to the majority of witness testimony) attempting to surender.

Comment Re:Of course there is a focus on the negative (Score 4, Insightful) 208

Not always. If the media makes it seem like things are getting worse overall. That would tell people the direction they are going in is wrong and will backtrack to the older ways when they were better.

You have sites like Fox News turning relatively moderate conservatives into extream conservatives. Due to the flood of negativity poison. Where before many issues were not a big deal or some supported it, now have became a polarizing issue.

Most of our judgment is based off of emotions, yes even the pro-science, well educated crowd. So misrepresented facts can cause a call to action where one isn't needed

Comment Re:and that's how we got the world of FIREFLY (Score 1) 265

seriously though, the Chinese can destroy our country without setting a single boot on the ground simply through economic measures.

*Poof* You have your wish. China ceases all trade with the U.S. The $122 billion in stuff going to China, and $440 billion in stuff coming from China vanishes.

The U.S. economy has a GDP of $16.8 trillion. Trade with China was equivalent to 3.3% of that. And in fact since the U.S. runs a trade deficit, the cessation of trade with China actually increases its GDP to $17.1 trillion.

China's economy has a GDP of $6.8 trillion. The vanished trade was equivalent to 8.3% of that. And since they ran a trade surplus, their GDP shrinks to $6.5 trillion.

So China's GDP is hurt more and they lose a bigger chunk of their economy from these "economic measures." And you somehow interpret this as China having the power to destroy the U.S. economically?

Here's what people like you don't get - China needs the U.S. more than the U.S. needs China. The U.S. buys manufactured goods from China. It doesn't have to buy from China. If China boycotted us, we could pay for manufacturing in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, or one of a hundred other developing countries eager for the business. OTOH, where is China going to sell the stuff they manufacture? If the U.S. doesn't buy it, who else will? There just aren't that many first world customers willing to fork over cash for merchandise. China already sells to all the first world customers willing to buy. The U.S. doesn't buy from all the developing nations willing to manufacture.

Comment Re:It should be noted that... (Score 2) 115

First off, it didn't automatically install, it just downloaded a tiny patch that probably takes more traffic to request the download than the download itself. The news around this is BS.

In order for automatic updates to be installed on their own, you have to enable automatic updates, like every other sane setup on the planet, by default.

Submission + - Thunderbolt rootkit vector

Holi writes: Attackers can infect MacBook computers with highly persistent boot rootkits by connecting malicious devices to them over the Thunderbolt interface.

The attack, dubbed Thunderstrike, installs malicious code in a MacBook’s boot ROM (read-only memory), which is stored in a chip on the motherboard. It was devised by a security researcher named Trammell Hudson based on a two-year old vulnerability and will be demonstrated next week at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg.

More at PCWorld

Comment Re:Lots of Interview but no job... yet (Score 2) 45

I have been part of the hiring team at a lot of companies. There are a lot of factors to choose a person or not.
1. Technicnical skills are important but not the main factor. There is a minimum bar that needs to be crossed. After that the points don't go much higher after that.

2. Industry experience. Tech companies are not just tech companies. Amazon is retail, Apple is hardware focused, PayPal is financial, Netflix is entertainment, and Comcast is infrastructural. The technology supports the core business. Every industry has its own set of buzzwords they may have industry standard protocols and a unique culture. I work in healthcare myself. And I see some tech people coming in from other sectors and they feel like they are just fresh out of school again.

3. Personality and motivation. Oddly enough if they just don't like you, you will probably not get the job. We all know the stereotypical dilbert Wally, who is the guy who finds ways to avoid work. No body really wants they type of guy so we try our best to make sure these people don't go in. Also on the flip side if we think you are too ambitious you will feel board at the position you are applying for and will leave shortly as the job may be too humdrum for you.

4. Professionalism. It isn't the 90s any more and most places are not going to hire any tech guy they can get their hands on. They will want someone who has a degree of professionalism with them. Not someone who they will be afraid to show in front of a customer.

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