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Comment Re:VMware tools included (Score 1) 136

Well, I use VNC or remote desktop for windows guests, running on the guests for those. I find I get a better mouse+cut and paste behavior and decent graphics and I do not have to be logged into the host to access the guests GUI.

I have to admit that I never used sound support and maybe graphic acceleration neither. I develop all day working on guests that I access either with VNC or remote desktop although and it works just fine with no VM tools installed.

Comment Re:VMware tools included (Score 1) 136

I use qemu now but when I used to use VMWare, I never bothered to install VMWare tools on any guests. It seemed much easier and safer to just use my own script that would use ssh with password less key auth to shutdown, reboot or what not guests.

Do you really need VMWare tools?

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