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Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

I don't have to pretend what I said was facetious in retrospect. It should be pretty apparent to anyone who is not retarded.

So now you are insulting me for taking your seriously? You gave a direct numeric answer to a question. You were then embarrassed to realize the colossal statistical failure that you made and you felt the need to fabricate a pile of lies to cover it up. Insulting me isn't helping your cause any.

More importantly you seem to be trying desperately to change the subject away

Change the subject? No, I have been repeatedly pointing out how far from the subject you have strayed. We were talking about spam filters and you keep going back to lying about yourself instead.

You made some statements thinking they were pretty safe, but now you've been called out, and you want to just pretend you weren't.

Called out on what, exactly? You have provided far more evidence in support of my claims about your lack of education than you have in opposition to them.

And if we were to dare return to the original topic of discussion, we would find there is plenty of evidence on this very site that supports my original argument. It is not my problem if you can't be bothered to read it.

Despite producing a transcript, showing my major and degree, from the correct university, in the correct year month and year (June 2004), and with the same name as first name as my screen name, your position is that it must be fake, and you are so sure it's fake you don't even want to see it.

You claim to have it, yet have not shown it. Considering how large UCLA is, the chance of someone graduating in any given year with the first name Brian - particularly in a CSci program - is very very high.

I called your bluff a long time ago. Your own writing - in particular your logical and statistical failures - supports my claim and not yours.

And again, none of this is related to the topic of this thread. That you keep trying to drag this discussion back to being about you speaks volumes about you and your own insecurities - particularly when coupled to the giant mountains of lies you have created in this thread.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

But this is exactly what I am saying. You took one comment I made (facetiously) , and extrapolated it out to mean that it is impossible I could have graduated from a particular school with a particular degree.

Funny, when you first made that statement you were confident of it. Now after I have pointed out - repeatedly - what a complete statistical failure that statement is, you are trying to pretend it was facetious. Even worse, you are trying to pretend that you actually know something about statistics - in spite of having already demonstrated the contrary.

Seriously, just quit lying and walk away. You should have done that days ago. You are only making yourself look more ridiculous as you keep making this thread about yourself instead of the topic it was actually started on. If you don't want to talk about the problems inherent to spam filters, go pester someone else. You have made it abundantly clear that you are not knowledgeable on the matter, you can either now go for an about-face and try to learn something relevant to this discussion, or you can just take your lying self elsewhere.

Your choice, kid.

Comment Who is forcing Scalia to be on the SCOTUS? (Score 1) 1083

I understand that appointments to the SCOTUS are for life, but justices have resigned in the past. However, reading Scalia's dissent makes it sound like we are actually forcing him to sit there until he dies:

If, even as the price to be paid for a fifth vote, I ever joined an opinion for the Court that began: "The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity," I would hide my head in a bag. The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

You have a real knack for grasping onto some small detail, making a non-sensical deduction from it, and then sticking to it regardless of any subsequent evidence.

This is not a small detail. There is nothing minor about false positive rates in statistics. You didn't make a minor error in it either, you completely and utterly screwed up in a way that anyone with even the most basic knowledge of statistics would be embarrassed by. People who drop out of statistics after two weeks of instruction would know more about statistics than you have demonstrated.

You have no useful knowledge of statistics. If you did, you would not have made such a massive error. If by some fluke you made it but did know even a little about statistics, you would have long ago said something along the lines of "oops, I completely miscalculated FP because XYZ". Instead you tried to lie your way out of it. Eventually you were piling lies on top of lies in the hope of making your situation better.

you no doubt inappropriately infer to be a formal statistical claim

I asked you what your FP rate was. You gave me a number and said "FP is .5 per year". You were making a formal statistical claim. I then pointed out that your claim was a total failure of statistics and you tried to lie your way out of it.

You also demonstrated repeated failures in logic. Pretending that you could somehow complete a CSci degree without understanding statistics or logic is laughable.

Seriously, kid. Just quit lying, and walk away. You admitted defeat when you resorted to lying heavily and abandoned the topic of discussion completely. I don't want to talk about you, but you made the discussion about yourself entirely. Do you remember we were talking about spam and why spam filters won't ever solve the spam problem?

Comment Re:A small part of me (Score 1) 591

If the democrats had any better ideas, they SHOULD have put those into the bill and passed it.

I agree with you on that one. I have championed single payer for decades and was sorely disappointed with this giant corporate handout sold to us as "health care reform".

IF you think they bent to republican pressure and passed something they didn't like, then take it up with the democrats for not doing what they should have.

The democrats were indeed weak on this. They couldn't gather up the courage to write up something that actually resembled any kind of reform, let alone a liberal attempt at reform. They were told by republicans than they would get support from their side if it retained certain features from Romney's signature bill in MA; so they did that. Then the republicans realized that this bill was going to become Obama's signature accomplishment and did everything they could to undermine it.

No republicans where involved in writing it, they where not allowed to offer amendments to it or even debate it before it was passed on 100% partisan votes.

Except of course for the republicans who wrote the bill it was based on, or the republicans who said they would vote on it if it contained the same actions as that bill. Excluding also the republicans who wrote the Heritage Foundation piece saying that they wanted an individual mandate as well.

Also important to my previous comment is the contents of every single proposed "Obamacare alternative" that has been shown by an elected official. Every single one of those "alternative" proposals has taken the vast majority of its content directly from this bill. Some of them hardly do anything but change the name.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

So you are saying I logged into UCLA's system and got some else's transcript?

No, I would not accuse you of being that clever.

A transcript that shows someone else who graduated from UCLA with a BS in computer science on June 18, 2014?

You certainly have not presented a convincing case for you being a CSci graduate from UCLA.

Not only that, but access to a email account?

Considering how much you were willing to openly lie earlier in this discussion, I don't see any reason to see that statement as credible either.

Even if the transcript you claim to have does exist, there would be no way to verify it to be from you - aside from the fact that if it has passing statistics grades it most certainly is not yours. It could very likely be from someone else you know who actually holds such a degree. Even angry liars such as yourself manage to make friends at some points in their life.

Comment Re:no, just stop. (Score 4, Informative) 219

Superfish should be all the average slashdotter needs to know about this company

Now you need to stop. The average slashdotter already knows that the Lenovo / superfish problem never included any ThinkPad laptops, period. It included basically every non-ThinkPad laptop made by Lenovo but no ThinPad ever shipped with superfish installed.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

Yeah, sure you did. You completely failed at one of the most fundamental statistical tests and you expect us to believe that you passed stat at UCLA. Nope, does not add up. You also fell on your face in simple matters of logic in this discussion and you expect us to believe that you passed logic at that school as well. Also does not add up.

You are most likely trying to play chicken, or you have a document that is not your own. You sure as hell did not pass the requisite coursework at UCLA for a CSci degree.

Comment Re:A small part of me (Score 1) 591

Not a single republican in congress that I know of ever introduced legislation that looked like the ACA, and not a single republican voted for the passage of the ACA as written.

I encourage you to look at all the various "Obamacare alternative" plans that have been proposed by republicans in the past several years. The overwhelming majority of they keep over 90% of the functionality of the ACA.

Then look at who is lining the pockets of our current batch of congress-critters. There is one industry in particular that owns a large number of politicians from both parties, and that is the insurance industry. There was absolutely no way that they were going to be left out on any "health care reform" bill. When 2010 came around and it was time for a bill to be passed, they leaned on the democrats only because that was who was in power. We would have had functionally the same bill had it been GOP control of both houses and 1600 Pennsylvania, or some mix between the three. It just so happened that it was democrats all the way in 2010 and Obama knew that his legacy was on the line.

So ultimately the only things that mattered when it came time to produce a bill were paying the piper and cementing a legacy for the POTUS. This is why we ended up with this shitty bill that helps an industry that has been notorious for abusing customers for decades, while giving the voting public almost nothing that they asked for.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

Your refusal to accept facts that have been posted on slashdot previously is not my fault. You've shown you can use a search engine enough to fabricate a backstory for yourself, why can't you use it to look up information that pertains to this discussion?

I am disputing that your claims and opinions are actually facts. I even gave reasons for why I disputed them, which you had no response to.

Your reasons were rooted only in your faith. I referred you to other articles that were here on slashdot; it is not my fault that you cannot be bothered to read them. But when you claim that they are fantasy you only make yourself look ever more ridiculous.

It is faith because it is ignoring the enormous body of facts that counters the assumptions that your faith require. You are using faith because there is information out there that is well-known and contrary to your beliefs, but you are choosing to ignore those facts.

You don't even know what I believe

You have stated your beliefs - particularly the ones that relate to this topic (which you have since held no qualms against abandoning completely) - very plainly. You wear your faith on your sleeve, son.

You have already provided a solid argument that you did not complete a CSci degree at UCLA. I don't need to reinforce it when your own writing makes it clear.

You've made a really solid argument that you are almost certainly not a software engineer, based on several things (including the fact that you feel it necessary to lie about [amongst other things] your educational background).

I love how you keep digging yourself a hole on this point.

That is a very strange way to acknowledge someone else delivering an argument based on facts that you provided yourself. But just keep on lying if you feel it somehow makes you look less ridiculous (protip - it doesn't).

You already provided me with some doozies just in this discussion. I really don't give a shit what lies you have spouted out in other discussions, I have more interesting things to do than that.

So you refuse to even look at evidence that is presented to you? And you just assume it must be lies? Sounds like faith to me.

That is one of the more absurd things you have written in this thread - and that is saying a lot. Go back and look at what you just wrote, and what you wrote it in reply to. See how they don't connect? You are providing yet more evidence that you do not have a college degree from a reputable institution. You showed that you don't understand statistics, and now you have shown again that you don't understand logic.

But go ahead, keep lying about yourself, and keep insulting me. That seems to be working out really, really, well for you so far.

Comment Re:A small part of me (Score 1) 591

why else would they have written and passed the largest corporate handout in the history of government?

I am curious about this claim and the numbers attached to it compared to prior corporate handouts by the federal government.

In terms of corporate handouts, how could you possibly surpass making every living American an obligate consumer of a for-profit industry? Such a handout has never been done before. For the overwhelming majority of Americans the bill offers no alternative, either - most of us couldn't switch to Medicaid / Medicare even if we wanted to.

Even when the auto insurance industry fed at the trough and all vehicle drivers were forced to purchase auto insurance, there were alternatives for people - they could not drive and find other forms of transportation. But we have no way around this bill that forces everyone to have health insurance.

Just because the government isn't handing out free money directly (as they did with the Wall Street bailouts) to the beneficiary, doesn't make it less of a giant handout. The government is still making sure that money is going to the insurance industry. This is really not a surprise though when one considers how many politicians - of both parties - are raking in big campaign contributions from the insurance industry. This bill was just the insurance industry coming to collect for their investment.

Comment Re:Roberts admits to being wrong (Score 1) 591

But I was not talking about Scalia, but rather Roberts.

Ooops, my mistake. I apologize. Being as Scalia wrote the bit for the dissent, and is getting the most attention in comments here right now, I somehow saw Roberts and saw Scalia. Indeed I was off topic to bring him up by name.

Also, unlike most of them, he has legal background (mildly speaking) so the reading would've been much simpler for him.

I don't easily see any references for the current class of congress-critters, but in the 112th congress more than a third of the total members listed lawyer as their primary occupation. Considering the embarrassing rate at which we reelect people to congress, the number hasn't likely changed much. While I don't dispute the legal experience of Scalia or Roberts, there are plenty of members of congress who are well versed in the law as well.

Comment Re:A small part of me (Score 2) 591

Basically, those 3 are some of the worst justices that America has had.

I agree with that part, for sure. Scalia in particular is not just a hack but also has a huge ego to go with it. He is himself an argument for not making these lifetime appointments.

I would not be surprised to see 1 or more of these were on the take.

I would argue it is actually most likely the opposite. The ACA was written by a bunch of congresspeople who were on the take (why else would they have written and passed the largest corporate handout in the history of government?). I expect this retaliation from Scalia and friends is their expression of anger that they were not given a cut in the action.

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