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Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

Well if that is what you want in a POTUS, then you definitely need to look to someone other than The Kevlar Kandidate:

- Assume responsibility

He has never, to the best of my knowledge, assumed responsibility for the job losses and state debts that have come to pass under his administration. In fact, he is known for trying to pass of utterly bogus numbers in their place.

- Admit fault

The only fault I have seen him to admit has been when he believes someone else is at fault.

- Sow peace

There are several thousand people who had non-political public-sector jobs before his administration who would argue that he hasn't done this to any great extent, either.

- Eschew revenge

It is trivial to find cases of his administration going out seeking revenge on foes - real or perceived.

Pretty much the antithesis of our current process is what's needed for recovery.

Actually that is pretty much the antithesis of any campaign I have seen in the past decade.

Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

Not all of us see every comment as an opportunity to change the topic. We could go back to where I started, and discuss how The Kevlar Kandidate has pretty much a perfect record of accomplishing the opposite of his promises, but you seem to have already lost interest in that. When you instead go back to your unending desires to end the Lawnchair Administration early by any means available, the discussion goes that way.

If you want, you could try to bring it all back home by telling us why the failings of The Kevlar Kandidate are all actually the fault of President Lawnchair.

Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

Just shining light on your idiocy

So now you claim that voting is "idiocy". How, then, do you expect anything to change? If you just want to sit and watch while the world burns, that is your choice, but don't blame the outcome on the people who actually take the time to vote while you are instead trying to discourage voting.

I'm fine with you choosing not to vote. You do have that choice. But I am not required to sit and listen to your holier-than-thou shtick while knowing that you intentionally do no participate in elections.

Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

Your vote is your consent and approval.

You sure are selling your anti-voting strategy hard, here. Apparently to you, skipping elections makes you completely infallible in regards to disagreeable decisions made by politicians. Some of us, however, rather value participating in the voting process.

Comment Re:Few Hackers Smart Enough to Take Advantage of i (Score 1) 157

Once again, we seem to be in complete agreement. I did the enhanced logging for amusement [That's why the logger never did a fail2ban equivalent]. Sometimes, I do "tail -f logfile" to watch the fun in realtime.

It is nice to see someone not calling me crazy over doing such things. I wouldn't do this in a production environment, and suspect you likely wouldn't either. Sometimes free entertainment is a funny thing in what some people find entertaining, I guess :)

I was considering adding automatic whois lookup, with scraping, and then send the applicable part of the logs automatically [with a copy to the FBI :-) :-) :-)]

Have you had any luck getting responses from Chinese ISPs when you report abuse? I used to do it fairly regularly but for years now it seems like I might as well just send the report to /dev/null instead. While the lack of response doesn't mean they aren't doing anything, it doesn't support any notion of the email being read by a human being, either.

Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

I'm just curious to know at what point you came to accept that time had marched along too far for impeachment to be a useful tool for removing President Lawnchair from office.

As with W. in 2004, the re-election of Occupy Resolute Desk should be seen as tantamount to a pardon by the voters.

I distinctly recall you still calling for impeachment after the 2012 election.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 159

Would that be a civil war, finally reducing our nation of 50 states to more than one independent nation? It does seem that one side is arming itself for a war, though it certainly isn't the "liberal" side. It's really a shame here that the US isn't the "communist" state that you claim it to be, as there is precedent for ex-communist states to dissolve into multiple countries without bloodshed.

a) Crediting Reagan's policy here,

Reagan deserves no more credit for the fall of the USSR than does David Hasselhoff

b) Ignoring all the current repression under Vladimir,

You really aren't much of a student of history, are you?

c) Considering a meaninglessly narrow slice of time under Gorbachev, or

Gorbachev was head of the USSR almost as long as St. Ronnie was in charge here. However neither of them are particularly important to the case I had in mind.

d) All of the above?

You didn't even set your trap on the right pathway.

I was particularly thinking of the Velvet Revolution, which took place in November 1989. You just named three people who had quite nearly nothing to do with it in any direction.

Comment Re:Conspiracy? (Score 1) 168

You are very plain on how badly you want the POTUS removed from office before its natural expiration date, at any cost. You used to call for impeachment. Now you still call for removal but you admit that you are not calling for impeachment any more. My only question is at what point did you formally make that change? You have written far too many comments on your desire to see him removed for me to search through all of them to find when you switched. I'm not asking for an exact date or anything, I'm just curious to know at what point you came to accept that time had marched along too far for impeachment to be a useful tool for removing President Lawnchair from office.

If you want to claim that your ambitions are somehow "patriotic" - or even just merely legal - you can even make that claim if you want. I'm just interested in knowing when reality struck you.

Comment Re:Few Hackers Smart Enough to Take Advantage of i (Score 1) 157

Your data correlates with mine and I've been logging for years [I have 450,000 log entries at present and I have a non-published IP address, not tied to any DNS, so my traffic will be lower--just so I can login to my desktop from Starbuck's using my laptop].

I am comfortable stating that the script kiddies are most likely attacking my system by IP address alone, not by its domain name. I say this because I have yet to see a single one of their IP addresses show up in both my system and httpd logs. Of course, they may have seen the website and then attacked it by name from another system but that seems like more effort than it would be worth. I have also searched for their IP addresses before and found other blog entries from other people online - generally people not hosting web pages at all - which also suggests these kids are just going through IP address ranges and running their scripts on any system that responds.

I do like your approaches, I may keep them in mind in the future. For now, I actually view the failed attempts as amusement. My ISP doesn't seem to care at all (even though I have a residential cable modem) and it doesn't hinder my ability to do what I need to do, so it doesn't really make a difference to me at present. I could certainly see that changing in the future, though.

Comment Re:Few Hackers Smart Enough to Take Advantage of i (Score 1) 157

They don't care about your server, they care about getting as many servers as easily as possible, and you do that by automation and wide spread attacks.

I should have been more verbose, I am fully aware that they don't care about my server specifically. Indeed they would almost certainly try a lot harder if they did.

Don't be so cocky with your massive log of failed access attempts, everyone gets those

I am aware that it is quite common. I was not intending to come across as "cocky", I'm not sure why you came to that conclusion.

you should consider what happens when something with a brain tries to hack your server with a modicum of effort.

If someone wants badly enough to get in, they will get in. Indeed as you said most of the Chinese attempts are just looking for highly vulnerable systems that they can easily get in to. I have my system open in the way it is open for a reason, and I accept the risks that go with it. So far it has worked out for me; nobody has felt it was worth the effort to get in (and if they did get in, they would likely conclude afterwards that it wasn't worth the effort!). I know a lot of the script kiddies are doing this to try to build botnets; if my server suddenly started going apeshit in the middle of the night, it would be time to power it down and reinstall the OS from scratch.

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