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Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this?

You've got the links. Show yourself.

It would appear then that the term "senior Democrats" has a different meaning to you than it does to me, then. Also interesting how much different your application of "senior" is when the party in question is Democrat rather than Republican.

It really is overwhelming to try to keep up with how rapidly you change the English language at your whim.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

And I'm enjoying a full-on guffaw at your desperate attempts to do anything to talk about what a bunch of fascists the senior WI Democrats are.

Is there an error in that statement?

But we can run with this. Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this? If it were going the other way, with republicans being alleged of "going after" democrats, you would say they were "rogue agents" or "bad actors". You have already convinced yourself that these are party officials, and I'm still waiting for you to connect it to President Lawnchair.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Actually, it's that government officials improperly took it upon themselves to use their positions to harass perceived opponents with no legal basis.

That is the allegation so far. This is why there will be a court hearing, to determine how much of a gap exists between reality and perception.

The two reasons I did the "research" are (1) it sounded plausible, if a little bit "out there," and (2) if there's some substance to it, it shouldn't be all that hard to find. And it wasn't hard - several articles mention that a judge named Peterson had quashed the subpoenas, we had the name of the Wisconsin Growth Club, and a bit of digging yielded O'Keefe's name and the judicial district.

One thing I find interesting in this is the timing. If this really happened that long ago (in political time) why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Changing the subject? No, I'm waiting for you to get to the subject. Why would you care about Wisconsin politics anyways? Every other political topic you bring up comes back to demonizing and removing the POTUS, there is no reason to expect this one to be different. Just get to how you are going to tie this to President Lawnchair; the suspense is killing us!

Comment Re:Jesus fucking Christ on Roller Skates (Score 1) 206

If there was any indication of him having had mental health issues (beyond illusions of grandeur) prior to the announcement of the charges against him, then if anything memorials for him should be for mental health awareness. Instead people are dedicated to making a martyr out of him in spite of the fact that he broke the law.

And your condescending assumptions do nothing to move the conversation forward.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

I am not portraying any conspiracy here myself. I am merely pointing out that you have shared a great number of them with us since the first time you heard of Candidate Obama. Furthermore the majority of your JEs (particularly if we exclude the Burma Shave ones from the count) are about your unending enthusiasm for ending the current presidential administration prematurely by any means possible.

But I can't force you to acknowledge reality.

Comment Re:I have the WD equivalent (Score 1) 5

FWIW, I've had (at least) WD, Seagate, IBM (from the DeskStar SCSI line, no less), Micropolis, and Samsung drives. The only one that was a disappointment for me was a Seagate that I purchased from Circuit City that crapped out at around 6-8 months of age that Seagate gave me all kinds of silly hell over trying to get a replacement under warranty. Since that nonsense I have refused to buy a Seagate drive.

Comment Re:Jesus fucking Christ on Roller Skates (Score 1) 206

Yeah, the prosecution was heavy handed but that completely overlooks the fact that Swartz broke the fucking law and was a total idiot about it.

That completely overlooks the fact that threatening a young man with 35 years in prison is going to put unbearable stress on him

He had - until he took the coward's way out by taking his own life - the constitutional right to a fair trial. He could have defended himself or had an attorney do it for him. It is not uncommon in this country for prosecutors - particularly long before a trial has begun - to suggest that they will shoot for the moon with punishment. However the maximum possible sentence is very rarely handed down.

In the end, though, he knew what he did was illegal. He was never granted access to that wiring closet; the mere fact it was unlocked does not mean he had the right to abuse it. The charges that were going to be brought against him had more to do with the methods he used than the number of papers he was trying to release.

He didn't deserve to die for what he did, or to go to jail for 35 years

Nobody but Aaron Swartz killed Aaron Swartz. Nothing he did was honorable or worthy of being honored.

what basically amounts to civil copyright infringement

No, he did more than just infringe on copyright. His followers try to make it sound as if that was the meat of the charges but that overlooks the more egregious parts of what he did. He opened a closet at the library and connected through there (rather than using the connection in his own office). He then used so much bandwidth in the library that he made it more difficult for other users to access the resources they were there for. The real charges are along the lines of vandalism, disruption, and breaking and entering.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Come on smitty, don't leave us hanging. Where is Obama's responsibility in this? Did he order it himself (just like he did with Benghazi)? Is it part of a grand socialist takeover (just like with the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010)? Is it a power grab for the Illuminati (just like his election)? Is it part of how he is going to use 1984 as a how-to guide to government (just like he did with the secret unmanned NASA vehicle)? Is it part of a top-secret government communications network (just like Hillary Clinton's private email server)?

Where is it going? How are you going to get it there before the next president is inaugurated in 2017?

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Interesting, you've done more investigation into this than any of the sources that smitty has linked to thus far. However, the presence of these subpoenas does not get us to where they are trying to go. Both Rush's meta-regurgitation and the original "news" from National Review is making the claim that political operatives of the Wisconsin Democratic Party disguised themselves as law enforcement and went out looting, pillaging, and terrorizing innocent supporters of Scott Walker (aka the Kevlar Kandidate).

Basically, smitty has a new conspiracy-of-the-week. There may well be something bad going on, but he hasn't shown any meaningful sources for it so far.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

As best I could tell the closest you came to a point in your JE was your fantasy that somehow Rush spinning this already-spun bit would cause the democrats to rally to do something against him, personally. As per the vast overwhelming majority of your conspiracies, you provided no logical support for why that would pan out.

If there was some other point in your JE, please let me know. All I saw was you trying to claim that because a hype-master got excited about an article from a conservative "news" source, it somehow is automatically valid "news" that is worth getting excited (and, of course, using extralegal methods to remove the POTUS!) about.

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