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Comment Re:I by no means missed the point (Score 1) 32

If Christ is the meaning of life then why do you cherry pick only some of his words and deeds when describing things you consider virtuous? Shouldn't you take him in his entirety?

What makes you think I don't?

You. Cannot. Be. Serious. Every week you give another example of where you ignore some of His' teachings in favor of others. While I know there are times when my actions don't reflect all of His ideals, I don't pretend to be a motivated disciple.

While I will continue to point out that Marx's communist ideals have essentially never even come close to being realized for any population over a few hundred anywhere at any time, your continued insistence on confusing communism and socialism is quite simply silly.

Trumped by your desperate attempts to differentiate them by, like, an order of magnitude.

The greatest similarity between them of any significance to this discussion is that you don't understand either of them.

National Socialist German Workers Party

Wow. Playing the Nazi card? That used to be below you.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

I have already pointed out how that has no connection to socialism or communism.

Own it.

You are conveniently ignoring the fact that a political party - or a politician - can call itself whatever it wants. This is no different from Ron Paul taking on a label that falsely claims he wants liberty, or the Koch Brothers funding a party that wants to evoke images of anti-imperialist aims.

Comment Re:For the youtube-averse (Score 1) 2

I forgot to mention, that the article I linked to even had a rare case of Ron Paul saying something that I agree (in part) with. Granted, being Ron Paul, he was again right for the wrong reasons - much like how he was opposed to the war in Iraq on purely economic (and entirely not on humanitarian or ethical) reasons.

Comment Re:I by no means missed the point (Score 1) 32

I understand that Socialism is your faith


and you don't feel personally bound by any of its sordid history.

Democracy has a body count many orders of magnitude higher than socialism.

It's the same with Christianity

No, it really isn't. We have seen before what rulers do when they wrap their arms around their favorite books of mythology and use them to justify their wishes, twisting them at will.

And yet, people who haven't understood that the Christ is the meaning of life are going to blow all kinds of smoke.

If Christ is the meaning of life then why do you cherry pick only some of his words and deeds when describing things you consider virtuous? Shouldn't you take him in his entirety?

You're going to continue to vary Marx's theme of "the Kingdom of God, hold the God"

Wrong again. While I will continue to point out that Marx's communist ideals have essentially never even come close to being realized for any population over a few hundred anywhere at any time, your continued insistence on confusing communism and socialism is quite simply silly.

I'm going to mock your inevitable failure.

inevitable failure at what, exactly? It's quite arrogant of you to claim that something is a failure because it has never been tried. I've never seen anyone try to setup Shreodinger's Cat as an actual physical experiment, yet I don't know of anyone who calls it a failure.

Comment Re:Expensive? (Score 2) 285

Obviously it would be cheaper for education districts to band together and commission their own textbooks that cost $0 to distribute once written.

That is an oversimplification, to say the least. Even if you have a collection of districts who paid for the development of a textbook, it still has a non-zero distribution cost once it is complete. It still needs to be printed and delivered. If you want to go without actually printing it, you have to pay for the bandwidth to host it so that people can read the electronic copy (and then come up with a solution for kids who aren't connected to the internet at home or are disabled in a way that makes computer use impractical). Parents will complain about errors and ommissions in the book which will end up dictating rewrites.

This is not a small thing you are asking for, here. Your proposal then requires the school boards to fund such productions for every topic of every grade - in some cases multiple levels of one subject for each grade.

But the school boards are strangely disinterested in this option.

Primarily because the school boards aren't in the business of writing textbooks or funding the creation of the same.

Comment Hmmm (Score 1) 205

It seems that in the US at least, the minivan is quite nearly dead. How many companies other than Chrysler are still making them for the US market at all? Not many.

As for the "pull down mirror", that isn't even remotely new technology. Other vehicles have had those for a decade or more. But of course because America - and the American media especially - love Toyota with a great passion, we regard it as a technological marvel.

Comment Re:And less than four years later... (Score 1) 211

It's because people got bored doing the same thing over and over.

Really? We only successfully got people to the moon 6 times. If you urinate 6 times in a day, do you refuse to do it again later in the day because you are bored of urination?

Beyond the novelty factor, there's just not much purpose in sending people to walk on the moon.

Novelty? Really? No. Going to Disney World is novel (though plenty of people do it far more than 6 times in their lifetime). Going to the moon is not merely "novel". Going to the moon is a pinnacle of engineering and science.

As for purpose, anyone claiming there to "not be much purpose" to going to the moon is epically shortsighted. For one, we will eventually exhaust all the resources on this planet, and our species will become extinct if we cannot - at the very least - successfully extract resources from other worlds. We really need to find a way to actually live on other worlds if we are to continue to exist. Furthermore the moon can tell us a great deal about the origins of our planet and solar system.

Comment Re:Thanks! (Score 1) 4

I was going to say much the same. Indeed most people alive in our country today are not old enough to remember a moon landing at all. While space exploration is not dead, it has been 40+ years since we last sent a man someplace where no man has been before.

Comment Re:You're going to... (Score 1) 3

...have to be more specific than that--too many candidates for that description.

Well, I did say:

Ron Paul is a cult leader of a movement that oppresses the common man.

Or did you want more specific examples of how Ron Paul's cult oppresses the common man?

That said, there really isn't a candidate of any significance in this country who truly represents opportunity for the economically oppressed.

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