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Submission + - Why is SlashDot serving 480x400 'ads' claiming 'drivers are out of date' ? (

easyTree writes: It's not enough that these are blatantly a malware delivery vector but they are HUGE and placed above the site's navigation bar, thus pushing the site itself so far down the page as to be almost off the screen when the site load.

Seriously? This makes the whole beta thing pale into insignificance.

Also, the poor grammar is making my eyes hurt. The least you could do is to take some basic style-tips on use of capitalization within your trojan-delivery ads — it would make them OH so much more appealing.


Comment Re:Meat Tubes (Score 2) 162

Nothing, because free will isn't really a meaningful concept. It all falls apart when you try to define it.

When definition proves difficult, often a series of examples allows the definition to be communicated indirectly.

I'll start the ball rolling by responding only with the word 'cheese' as a full explanation of your incorrectness.

Comment Re:Morality questions (Score 1) 162

I guess it's more difficult to profit long-term from rehabilitation.

What kind of business model would it be for those organizations running prisons if they start creating less demand for their services? No, what they need to do it increase demand or at least arrange circumstances such that there's an increasingly slippery slope leading towards uptake of their services.

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