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Comment You lost me (Score 1) 257

You lost me. What is free in this case? Customers are paying massive fees for lousy service -- please explain where the free is.

Note: this is not about the Comcast-advertisers relationship. But if it was, it is safe to say advertisers are not happy with Comcast.

To sum up, no one is getting anything for free in this case, and no one is happy (except Comcast, because they are a monopoly provider in the markets they dbi). So this is a monopoly issue, not a "sucker, you're the product" issue.

Submission + - CDC caught in scientific fraud (naturalnews.com)

justthinkit writes: With a full headline of "CDC caught in scientific fraud, perpetrating vaccine violence against blacks in shocking eugenics cover-up", the waiting begins. The evidence is coming from a whistleblower, and will be "made public in mere days." The story continues with "MMR vaccine causes autism"...and the CDC knew it. For 12 years. So are Slashdotters still going to say vaccines are harmless? This is almost sacred ground for some.

Comment To each his own (Score 1) 63

The notion that podcasting is dead is quite humorous. Brings to mind the "email is dead" articles.

My favorite Bill Burr webcasts are when it is just him. Yes, he jams in two big bunches of ads, but a few clicks is all it takes to skip them.

I think the point is that things change. TV channels change (usually getting worse). Podcasts change, usually by adding disruptive ads. The solution is always the same -- branch out, trying something new.

My podcast, has no ads & no guests, runs about 75 minutes. I work on adding potential content all week. Editing takes three times as long because why should my listener suffer my hums and haws.

Submission + - RIP Robin William Who Dies Aged 63 (blogspot.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Relatives, showbiz personalities and politicians have expressed their sadness at the death of Robin Williams, who has died at the age of 63 from a suspected suicide.

The Oscar-winning actor was found dead at his home in northern California, according to the Marin County Sheriff's Office.

Williams' wife Susan Schneider said in a statement: "This morning, I lost my husband and my best friend, while the world lost one of its most beloved and beautiful human beings. I am utterly heartbroken."

The star of much-loved films including Mrs Doubtfire and Good Morning Vietnam had been struggling with severe depression in recent weeks, according to Williams' press agent Mara Buxbaum.

Submission + - New Jersey May Shield Drivers From Other States' Red Light, Speed Cameras (aol.com)

schwit1 writes: New Jersey may soon prohibit other states from issuing traffic citations to its residents for alleged violations caught on speed or red-light cameras.

Lawmakers in the Garden State have introduced a bill that would stop New Jersey's Motor Vehicles Commission from providing license-plate numbers or other identifying information to another state or an interstate information network for the purpose of doling out a fine.

"I've been getting loads of complaints from people," state senator Nick Sacco told The Star-Ledger , the state's largest newspaper. "They drive to Virginia to visit relatives. They go through Maryland. They come back home and start receiving tickets in the mail. And they swear that they're not speeding; that they're keeping up with the traffic."

The whole process stinks from a lack of due process. You are guilty until you can prove your innocence and your state will suspend your license without a hearing if you fail to pay out of state traffic fines.

Comment Speaking of Yelp (Score 2) 183

Yelp automagically pulls (hides behind the curtain) reviews it deems are not representative. Supposedly the extremes like "5 star" and "1 star" reviews. But not for the cases I've looked at.

And Yelp doesn't allow you to down-mod reviews. Just 3 versions of "I got high reading that review".

Odds that Yelp goes under in 2014? 2015?

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