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Comment Re:call it the Ukraine-2 (Score 2) 152

You know what?
Fuck you and the horse you rode on in.
You lack reading comprehension, you have no experience in life, you are myopic, haven't seen different countries, don't speak different languages and only know what your school books have told you. You are grandstanding about sovereignty, but in your eyes sovereignty is only important when it is about oh so evil Russia. Other countries may invade at their will, because it is apparently a different sovereignty.

Talking about Czechoslovakia and Austria, but have you been there? Do you speak their language? I've been there and I bloody do. Have you ever seen what a civil war is like? I have.

And here you are telling me that I am not your equal? Well, guess what, I am not. I am better. I have seen more, I have known more. You are a disappointment, really. Now bugger off my lawn.

Comment Re:call it the Ukraine-2 (Score 2) 152

i stopped reading there

And this is a part of the problem. Saying "la la la I can't hear you" doesn't change the facts. Kindly read completely, then respond.

russia meddled in an *internal* georgian dispute that occurred within the internationally recognized borders of georgia. then it divided the country into a "new" bullshit country abkhazia

Abkhazia is not a new bullshit country, it is, in fact, a very old one, but it is a different history lesson. Russia meddled in an internal Georgian dispute because, among the civilians in Tskhinvali, their peace keeping forces stationed there were also shelled. That is the official reason.

is it ok if the usa invades the mexican district of sonora and announces that it is a new country? why can the usa do this? uhhh... drug smuggling. yeah, that's our reason. perfectly good reason, totally understandable, right moron?

Was it okay that USA has bombed Serbia - a sovereign country - into submission and divided the country during the civil war, recognising a new independent country there? Even though Kosovo has been a part of Serbia for almost a thousand years? This has set a dangerous precedent. Meddling on other civil wars (Lybia and Syria quickly come to mind) hasn't helped the argument about internal affairs of a sovereign country either.

can the american fbi go into canada and arrest people? no? why not. can the us army occupy ontario? why not? because canada is a sovereign country, you dumb fuck

In fact they can. CIA routinely abducted people, torturing them in secret prisons (some of them were on Poland's soil, and these bastards call themselves Europeans). Guantanamo bay is full of them.

no country, anywhere in the world, does what russia did to georgia and ukraine without consequences.

Well, apparently this is not the case. See my example above with Serbia. Invading sovereign countries and topple governments, meddling in civil wars, bringing suffering to civilians is a favourite past time of NATO countries. USA, UK, Germany, France, Turkey, Poland, Australia and many more.

By the way, Georgia and Ukraine also took part in the Iraq invasion. For them it was just normal and fine, because their big brother USA has asked.

if you do, continue speaking on this topic. but if you continue to assert russia invading and dividing georgia and ukraine is "reasonable" then you do not understand what the fuck sovereignty means and are therefore announcing yourself as a complete moron or a propagandized idiot on this topic and you should shut up

Sovereignty doesn't mean much really if a strong enough country decides a military action is in order. That is what we in Germany call "die Realpolitik". I am personally not happy about this at all, but, unfortunately, when it comes to international relations, might makes right.

And speaking of internal problems, since Russia is the legal successor of USSR and the breakup of it was processed... well, let us say, not exactly constitutional way, one could, being a devil's advocate, argue, that it is an internal problem of Russia and all these countries are just illegal separatists. Somewhat far fetched, but the breakup was really handled bad, leading to several wars (The aforementioned civil war in Georgia, then Transnistria, the Armenia-Azerbayjan war, Tajik civil war, wars in Chechenia and Ingushetia, the current situation in Ukraine, which was bound to happen sooner or later and so on). This is why I can only sadly laugh when I see people here on Slashdot say that the breakup was peaceful.

I speak Russian fluently, although, obviously, with a German accent, and have visited several former Soviet republics (going to Ukraine in two weeks BTW) and east European countries, this - and being born on the other side of the Iron Curtain - gives me a somewhat different perspective on all that.

P.S. there was really no need for insults there. We both are grown-ups and can hold a polite discussion.

Comment Re:call it the Ukraine-2 (Score 1) 152

What Russia did to Georgia in 2008 is a continuation of what Georgia did to itself in the early nineties. It was the same story as in the Balkans. Besides, as funny as it may sound, Russians were sort of the good ones in 2008. The then-president of Georgia saw his popularity dwindling and wanted to boost it - especially within the nationalist circles - with a little war on the break-off population which was de-facto independent for 15 years.

what's actually important is the fucking borders of a fucking sovereign nation, and that modern states respect that

You are very funny. Even Germany here has been bombing several foreign countries in the past 20 years, forgetting the "never again war" concept as soon as USA called. Any respect for borders of a sovereign nation only exists when it is politically convenient.

Comment Re: Countries without nuclear weapons get invaded (Score 0) 228

Ukraine willingly gave up (as in "sold") most of its arsenal period. They didn't do ot because they were nice people (only Poles are less friendly), but because they couldn't afford the maintenance and needed money to steal. It has been one of most corrupt countries in the world for over 20 years - since they became an actual state.

Comment Re:BINGO (Score 1) 213

Really? I thing you really should take a good look at linguistics and reconsider. You also forget that the scientific method was "invented" by a philosopher. Science hasn't really used the scientific method before, preferring positivism instead. Thus by your own very definition science has not existed before Karl Popper.

Comment Re:BINGO (Score 1) 213

But there are indeed sciences that are liberal arts. Linguistics, sport science, history, archaeology, anthropology and similar.

It is a far too simple classification for sciences. It would be more exact to describe a science on two axes
One axis is the origin of the science, and the other is the method.
The origin would be either natural (like chemistry), social (which analyse the social entity), humanities (which analyses the culture) or abstract (just needs to be internally consistent).
The other axis - the method - is a gradient between exact and descriptive.

And then you'll have a much more exact description.

Psychology is humanitarian more or less descriptive.
Math is abstract exact.
Philosophy is abstract descriptive.
Sociology is social descriptive.
Linguistic is humanities exact.
Anthropology is humanities descriptive, but physical anthropology is humanities exact.
Chemistry is natural exact.
Law is social exact.

Comment Re:This is the cost incurred for outsourcing defen (Score 1) 337

The thing is, if something exists, there will be some Germans that would protest against it. That the current chancellor is brownnosing the US is also not news at all.

As for me, I personally also wish your troops would go to Poland and never come back. It would be a win-win situation - no foreign troops on our soil and the constant Polish whining would finally be over. If it would bring them to leave the EU - even better.

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