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Comment Re:Soon (Score 1) 138

Although I'm an avid reader of books and I believe in a free (as in freedoms) internet, it is a difficult balance between control and anarchy (the modern meaning of). Authors of books should have the incentive to earn a living from publishing their work but it seems that the few consumers who find a way to access works at no cost create an excuse for censorship. Censorship need have no limits, and in particular can be used as a method of control.

My original post was merely a jest of the Streisand effect; I'd not previously searched for sites for Ebook downloads but now I know - as do others - their URLs.

Comment Re:Soon (Score 0) 138

Yes I read the article thanks. I doubt an ISP block would prevent those on on this forum from visiting if they wanted. However, many like me hadn't heard of those resources. That makes me wonder how much revenue they are actually losing.

Comment Unfortunately... (Score 1) 388

This is nothing new. My son is now 29 and at school was in this situation. He isn't even a techie, he's an artie, but had computer access at home from birth. I think the only answer is to have technical professionals teaching. At school (in the 60's) I learned metalwork and woodwork, not from graduates, but from tradesmen who been taught teaching skills.

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