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Comment Re:Amateurish (Score 1) 516

I tend to agree about the icons, but I do think flat design is particularly bad in this respect. By its nature, it removes tools that could otherwise be used for distinguishing different types of content, establishing hierarchy, and directing the user to important details.

The Microsoft style of flat as seen here isn't as bad as the more extreme "monochrome line art" version that is plaguing web sites at the moment. Even so, all those subtle lighting-based effects we used to see, and even the not-so-subtle styling of say Apple's older metallic or aqua looks, could serve practical purposes as well as creating a signature style for a platform.

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 257

I was born in the USSR, not an American, lived all over the world and maintain a 5 flag strategy. I have a better understanding of the global situation than many people on this planet who have never even left their own city in their lives.

As to the rest of your comment, clearly you cannot read. I am not talking the general population, I am talking about welfare recipients, so try and stay on topic, would you please?

Comment Re:Department of Fairness can not be far behind (Score 1) 631

Citation needed... Oh that right, you can't, because we don't even know the rules they voted on!

They voted whether to classify ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act. And they eschewed some of the restrictions, like TFA said, so if you want to know then GOOGLE THE FUCKING LAW. The new restrictions are a subset of that.

Christ, people just spew shit out and don't even bother TRYING to inform themselves.

Comment Re:Be Careful What You Wish For (Score 3, Informative) 631

Your hatred of Comcast and fear of what it might do has lead to the biggest restrictions on freedom since the Patriot Act

Your sense of reality needs to be rebooted. "Might do?" They've been doing it openly, for a couple of years now, you twit. You're the one pissing your panties over imaginary "might do" and using bullshit conspiracy theorist "reasoning". Look up how much censorship power Title II gave over landlines, for starters.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ. You need your dosage upped.

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 257

Your assertion that people who aren't working won't do anything but breed is also not supported by evidence. People who are educated with large amounts of personal freedom have a much lower reproductive rate than people who need to spend most of their time working in order to survive.

- are you kidding? People who aren't working are breeding, that's all they are doing. This is proven conclusively by countries with welfare systems in place, such as the USA, Israel and others, where there are large swaths of population whose only fame to claim is the benefits that they are extracting from the system and producing more mouths to feed. There is a culture of welfare produced in the USA, white trash is among the top welfare recipients of-course. In Israel the Haredim (ultra orthodox) Jews see it necessary to have scores of children (while also using their procreating habits to encroach further and further into the Gaza strip increasing the tensions and violence and at the same time Haredim do not join the military forces in the country).

Comment Re:Why stay? (Score 1) 311

I wouldn't call it a "mass exodus." The most popular subverse is "News" with just over 3k subscribers, and there's obviously going to be people on both.

Which isn't to say that I hope it (or another site) doesn't succeed. This picture thing, in spite of all the headlines it's getting, is really a nothing in the ocean of dumbfuckery that's been going on at reddit for the past couple of years (The latest apparently being "gold-only" subreddits).

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 2) 257

spend their time creating, gardening, helping their neighbors, decorating things,

- yeah, that's what I call idle population. Creating new forms of porn and that's about it.

and eventually building businesses or small trading operations

- oh yeah, sure, subsidized by the 'basic income' for no reason whatsoever just because they graced us with their presence on this planet.

A person's worth is in what the person does, a person that lives off of others is not worth anything, he or she is a net drain on the system, not a net benefit. Thinking that a significant number of people with that mentality will amount to anything at all if they are not prodded by the cold reality of having to survive on this planet but believing they are owed something by others, who have something, that doesn't make creative and entrepreneurial people at all, but it will create a class of people for who it will never be enough. They will believe that if they procreate and create more mouths to feed for the system now, that the system has to expand its own production for their sake and feed them all and probably do even more than just feed them, because 'dignity'.

Dignity does NOT come from forced coercive threat of violence and income redistribution based on that violence. We have conclusively proven that in the former USSR (and North Korea and more).

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