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Comment Re:I'm mad at him (Score 1) 449

This is about the stupidest response I have heard. How long are you going to wait while being killed or raped for the chance to get a phone to call the police and then wait some more for them to show up. If you get the chance to grab the phone, you also have the chance to grab the gun. One situation you might save your life, the other is where the police inspect your dead body for clues as to who did it. Police don't prevent crime, they chase after it when it is all over.

Comment Re: Even with the new outbreaks (Score 1) 580

You go ahead and listen to the people that tell you what to do. They told you to avoid peanuts when young so you won't die from an allergic reaction. Well it turns out they created a bunch of allergic people who now have to worry for the rest of their life about dying if they touch a peanut. They certainly know what's best, don't they.

You can avoid every germ out there and we'll see who ends up healthier. I will take the germs, because that makes your immune system stronger.

Comment Re: Even with the new outbreaks (Score 1) 580

Right, in third world countries. How many die in countries with hospitals that can give simple things like fluids and antibiotics. . . almost none. That is my point. If they have to lie to you to try to get you getting the vaccine, then there must be some alternative reason besides it is just a good idea!

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 1) 576

The premise is that they are coming to Earth to attack it. They must have a reason to attack us if they are doing it, right? Then what could that reason be? Material, food (including us), planet to live on, possibly a few others. If they would like to live on what we would consider an inhabitable planet and want nothing from us, then they would not be attacking us in the first place and you missed the whole point of the question.

Comment But be sure to get any and all injections they say (Score 1) 80

But we still should all go out and get every damn flu shot that they say we should. Because even though there is fraud, it is still very sound science and there is no fraud going on. Their trust is and always will be at the highest levels. And if you don't have the required levels of trust then you must report for your social mind reconfiguration training.

Thank you citizens!

Comment Re: Its politics/emotions not intelligence level (Score 1) 580

I don't mean to imply that I feel that vaccines are not great things. I agree they did huge benifit to health and our society in general. In fact, I plan on getting my daughter immunized to some things.

When this measles thing started up in the news, I even thought it was time for MMR. But a little research and I find the stats they are touting all over the news are such misleadings that I feel they are lying about it. The death rate they give is for the world, where our country has nowhere near the problems with getting the disease.

So, if they are trying to mislead us that much, then I know it's for alternative reasons. Trying to cover for their horrible fuck-up with the flu vaccine, or they want to make even more money by telling us that it is going to need another booster to be truley efective. I'll save my limited number of injections for the truely serious.

Comment Re: Its politics/emotions not intelligence level . (Score 1) 580

The rate of measles infection was going down drastically before the vaccine was created. The antibiotics are for the secondary problems, not the measles. Better general health and healthcare will also have atbig impact on modern cases. Just because you aren't aware of the latest studies on the effectiveness of multiple vaccinations does not make it incorrect.

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