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Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

People are still moving to the central valley and commuting to jobs on the coast

Why are there only jobs on the coast?

I think this is the real root of the problem. Everybody wants to cram into (for example) Silicon Valley - because it's where the best paying, most stable jobs are. Why can't these employers employ workers elsewhere. I've actually worked for a company that tried that tactic. Guess what? During hard times, (or mergers), they tend to shut remote sites down, and the workers are laid off or uprooted.

But yeah - a lot of problems would be resolved if employment were more distributed.

Comment Re:Ecology vs archeology (Score 1) 465

Basically yes, what do you not understand is that eventually they will fade away or via probability destroyed as a result of a storm extreme or geologic event. Even the people who originally made and used it had to walk all around the place, so never 'pristine' but right wing media could not resist the chance to grossly exaggerate and bash green peace. So a mistake but not 'OH MY GOD' the total destruction of a pristine thing that would otherwise last 'forever'. All this was really about was bashing green peace.

Comment overwhat? (Score 4, Interesting) 191

Unless there is something particularly distracting about a perceptable lag, then I don't see how being able to see more of whats around you can be overload. I am already used to looking at a scene that includes the sky, trees, and a whole mess of information beyond what I strictly need....hell, half the road is generally irrelevant as long as everybody is doing their job.

OTOH at night, screens emit light, so what it will do is light up the inside of the car making occupants more visible than they would be during the day, and possibly more visible than the pedestrian outside the car, I almost wonder if more accidents wont be saved by calling up the attention of pedestrians to the car than the other way around.

Comment Re:The Pirate Bay (Score 3, Insightful) 302

> Man, I don't deceive myself into thinking I 'deserve' to consume whatever some artist makes.

Perhaps cave paintings should then be scoured off out of respect for the artists whose hard work is being used by others for free.

> Secondly, if copyright were actually set to 14 years like you propose, the main ones who would benefit would
> be giant corporations. Would Disney pay for the rights to Starwars if they could just wait it out and take it
> for free? No, they wouldn't.

Bullshit. Just because you can pick a few examples of places where big corperations would win out, doesn't mean that those are the rule. I mean are you really suggesting that entire industries, with deep enough pockets to do all sorts of analsys for themselves, have spent millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars fighting to extend and strengthen really are suggesting they have misspent all that money and they are really the ones who stand the most to GAIN by just....not doing that.

Its not that I would never buy that argument but, I think its going to take a bit more than "look they could have just used star wars" to do so. I mean its true but, that is such a simplistic view, when it would ALSO open the door for everyone else to use it, including many smaller outlets.

I mean seriously, if every yahoo out there making star wars fan fiction could actually try to make a buck off it, well, few would actually see any returns, and most would still be shit, but, I have trouble imagining there wouldn't be a few that rose out of there above the rest and who could put some real production value into it. Perhaps we would have some movies out by now in that universe that rivaled the originals or even surpassed them.

Comment Re:It's difficult but (Score 1) 222

Not quite accurate. With climate change there is a definitive lead and lag, that of course being the difference between how quickly the atmosphere changes temperature and how quickly the oceans change temperature, that difference of course directly relates to hurricanes because they form over oceans. What we are really seeing now is not so much about climate change but more about the nature of our coastal cities and how bound they are to a stable climate and what current and future actions we will need to take in order to protect those locations from rising or even falling sea levels. No matter the cause of climate change, we are required to take actions to prevent any significant impact upon major areas of human habitation, END OF STORY.

Comment Re:Wasn't there a book about this? (Score 1) 138

I don't see how that is opposite, of course that makes sense. You could even say that turning off or severely restricting HZT is hard to see as anything but a requirement for developing as a multicellular organism that lives and dies by its coordination.

My point was really about the other end.... trying to imagine the evolution of sexual reproduction from simple cell lines that only pass genes vertically through the generations....I can see why that is hard, but we don't have to imagine that since, it was unlikely to have happened exactly like that in such a simple and clean fashion.

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 4, Insightful) 611

Ugh, and if they do that, I hope they know.... I have been stuck in traffic many times for little more reason than the fact that so many places did this that there is only a single remaining route through the area.

Because of that, I personally look down on people who request such things, and really, do hold it against someone when they feel that their desire to see clear streets is more important than the entire set of communities around them needing to travel.

Comment Re:Wasn't there a book about this? (Score 1) 138

Heh "organs". Look at single cell organisms today and you will find our idea of sex is so..... specific and limited.

These suckers don't have "sex organs" they actually toss out copies of their genetic mateiral for others to grab and use. If anything the sex organs provide a method for filtering and slowing down the messy process of gene exchange, rather than enabling it.

I would bet that the origins of sexuality are actually related to horizontal gene transfer and mechanisms organisms developed to tone down the party.

Comment Re:Best idea ever! (Score 3, Insightful) 130

> While it might have the effect you suggest of reducing the market for actual child porn,
> I still think that there would probably be the urge to see, and pay for, the real deal.

and I have to point out, what you think is something I really don't know about. In fact, I think its something we can't really evaluate just by thinking about because there are too many things that COULD happen and little real way to say what would.

Does satiating sexual desire with porn increase the frequency or amplitude of desire? Does it make one want the real thing more if so, is that even relevant? Perhaps the desire increases but the satiation is enough to lead to apathy?

That certainly would line up with the claims other people make about porn. "Porn is why my husband no longer sleeps with me", may or may not be a legitimate claim but, is NOT an infrequent one. To be honest I think the real relationship between sexual desire, sexual action, and available means of satiation is, well, a sticky issue to say the least.

Comment Re:Ecology vs archeology (Score 1) 465

Sounds altogether like a gross and extreme right wing exaggeration. Somehow I think it highly unlikely that people and animals avoided walking at that location for thousands of years as well as off course full exposure to weathering, wind and rain, which will obviously return the surface to uniform finish in short order. As for Luis Jaime Castillo, what is the difference between a grave robber and some archaeologists, apparently the number of years between when their targets are buried and when they are dug up, so a bit of don't throw stones if you live in glass house. As for green peace still far preferable to the corporations doing the real damage and I am sure that site is more at far more risk from acid rain and climate change than from a handful of people walking around it. Sounds very much like a purposeful media distortion to attack green peace with no sense of balance to the normal exposure the site receives from weather et al.

Comment Re:And where are all the hurricanes? (Score 1) 187

Especially as tornadoes unlike say hurricanes are a very localised affect of a larger storm structure and as such a tied down to simple a matter of probability based upon a very complex set of variables, tied to overall weather, local weather, geographic structure, humidity etc. So really with regards to climate you are simple looking at how many days where weather conditions prime for the formation of tornadoes versus how days it was not and whether or not tornadoes form is simply just a roll of the probability die.

Comment Re:Short sighted (Score 1) 230

When talking about Windows, mostly hibernate is the correct title because sometimes hibernate is not so much hibernate but crash on attempt to end hibernation and reboot. I would be fairly cautious about attempting to hibernate part way through an update. Better to go to Windows updates and change the configuration to download updates but ask before patching.

Comment Re:Image Organization (Score 2) 259

OK simplest software solution. Place all photos in one directory, the create links/shortcuts to those photos in different appropriately titled directories. Now create the appropriate directory structure so as to best access those images and retitle those links/shortcuts as appropriate. It can all be done with a typical file manager even though it is a long, slow process, absolutely no lock in at all, no changes at all to original image, just be careful when you think you are copying images that you are not just copying links/shortcuts ;).

Comment Re:Check your math. (Score 2) 880

Just a warning about the quality of that survey data. Exactly how do you expect people to answer questions in a country with Sharia law about Sharia law, when for a Muslim under Sharia law, it is akin to blasphemy to critique that particular rather obnoxious book, not that it is obnoxious on it's own, other religious works also should face public criticism for their content, most well known being the bible and Torah. The biggest problems with Sharia law are of course once implemented it is a death penalty to attempt to remove or change them making it extreme undesirable and of course it's laws being subject to religious rather than literal interpretation and subject to extreme corruption.

Tony Abbott has a shocking history of attempting to manipulate circumstance for political advantage no matter how distasteful. So the first group of targets rather disturbing aligned with with rapidly collapsing political popularity and he wanted conflict to attempt to drive popularity. This second series of raid seems to be an identical effort. One wanders if the person wasn't a victim of the first set of raids and after being victimised that individuals likely unstable mental state was pushed over the edge. You can bet the slime is hoping for the exact opposite outcome of what he is publicly claiming. Just like he new found silence on the Ukraine incident when it is looking more and more like a false flag event that went totally out of control.

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