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Comment Re:This Republican scam to destroy education... (Score 1) 106

Umm, have you looked at who runs the schools that are failing to teach minorities to read? In particular you might want to take a close look at the party affiliation of those running the school boards, and the rest of the political machinery of the local government in those place. Further, you might want to look at the history of the political party in question. Then you should ask yourself, if they still held to the political philosophy and beliefs they held in 1860, what would they do differently to better accomplish goals in line with that political philosophy?

Without looking, it seems that, at least in inner urban areas, it would lean Democratic. Which makes it seem like failing to teach minorities to read would be in line with their belief in 1860.

On the other hand, such districts can be poorer. While the suburban schools are wealthier. My state used to have heavy state funding of schools, to even out disparities), but that started to be cut. According to a quick google search, the year it came under heavy attack involved a state congress that leaned Republican.

So depending on your political affiliation, you can blame whatever party you choose!

Comment Gaaaahhhh ... (Score 1) 55

.... make it stop!

Computers are things. It's always been an "Internet of Things".

"Internet of Things" is as stupid as if we suddenly started saying "highway of cars". It's both true and free of meaning at the same time ... which I suppose is a weird sort of achievement.

And no, calling it HoC wouldn't make "highway of cars" any more hip. Just stupider.

Comment Re:software doesn't have bugs (Score 1) 235

But IF there are effectively infinitely many vulns that can be found for less than the black market value, then fixing one does not decrease the probability that the attacker will find another one.

Right, and IF my grandmother had testicles, she'd be my grandfather.

If there is a way for a finite amount of code to contain an infinite number of bugs, I don't see it. (Netscape Navigator excepted of course ;^))

Comment Re:freedom of speech (Score 2) 169

Freedom of speech means that no government entity can go after you for the content of your communications, whether broadcast or otherwise.

Unless of course it has something to do with politics ("campaign finance reform").

Because obviously the founders wanted to protect nude dancing, not that nasty political speech.

Comment Not H1-Bs, offshore workers. (Score 5, Informative) 220

If you are "offshoring" you are literally having the work performed off-shore. If they fear their jobs are getting replaced by H1-Bs, then they are "outsourcing". It would be illegal for them to fire everyone then hire H1-Bs, and even if the off-shore companies place people that all happen to be H1-B, lawsuits will follow. How can the consulting company say they couldn't find competent employees when they know a bunch that got laid-off?

California Utility May Replace IT Workers with H-1B Workers 220

dcblogs writes: "Southern California Edison is preparing to offshore IT jobs, the second major U.S. utility in the last year to do so. It will be cutting its staff, but it hasn't said by how much. The utility is using at least two offshore outsourcing firms, according to government records. SCE's management culture may be particularly primed for firing its IT workers. Following a workplace shooting in SCE's IT offices in 2011, the utility conducted an independent audit of its organizational and management culture. One observation in this report, which was completed a year later, was that 'employees perceive managers to be more concerned about how they 'look' from above, and less concerned about how they are viewed by their subordinates. This fosters an unhealthy culture and climate by sending a message to employees that it is more important to focus on how things look from the top than how they actually are down below.'"

Comment Re:do they have a progressive view? (Score 1, Insightful) 336

its the fact they have no zoning laws

Slashdot, why is this modded insightful? Really-- why? HOUSTON is notable for having no zoning laws. Apparently, the town of West doesn't either, because it appears to be the town with the exploding fertilizer plant that alen is referring to. Zoning is not generally the duty of the state, but of the local governments. Do you really want the state telling you how your town must be laid out? Why do you, as a citizen, want some bureaucrats far away making blind decisions instead of being able to go to a town meeting and actually influence the decisions?

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