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Comment Re:Pointless in Canada (Score 1) 50

Yeah, I got lucky as well, as Rogers started having an annual 'sale' around when the new iPhone was released to get 6 Gb of data $30/month. Then, later, when Telus and Bell got together to build their GSM network, Bell also did it, and I jumped on that. Now, they've stopped doing it and for 6Gb of data, it's still around $60/month if you sign up now.

To much for "competition".

Comment Re:Baseball - pah!! (Score 1) 68

Are you kidding me? The only parts of baseball that take several minutes are:

1) waiting for everyone to get ready for the next pitch. Because the batter just has to step out of the batters box, adjust his balls, rub his nipples, hitch up his shirt, work on rubbing out the lines showing where the batters box is, and then practice swinging the bat. Every single pitch.
2) when the teams switch from hitting to fielding
3) manager and/or player arguing over the last call from the umpire before being thrown out. For many games, this is the most exciting thing that will happen for the whole game.
4) the seventh inning stretch. Normally, the second most exciting thing that will happen for the whole game.

It you watch a daily sports news broadcast, they show all the exciting plays from all the games played that day. Normally, there are maybe half as many good plays in total as there are games played that day. And most of those are of guys getting thrown out at first.

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