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Comment Re:Everybody should be pissed at NSA by now ... (Score 5, Insightful) 80

These are always the best laws...enacted right after an 'emergency', with no debate. Helpfully, the law was pre-drafted and just in a filing cabinet waiting for the right circumstance to pass it.

Of course, I'm not exactly sure how this helps with the 'emergency', that the NSA was spying on the French gov't. I guess the emergency for the gov't was that they finally realized that the NSA knew more about everyone in France than the French Secret Service does. The new legislation should even it up, by greatly increasing their ability to spy on their own largely law-abiding citizens.

Problem solved! This calls for a round of embezzling.

Comment Re:FP (Score 1) 165

Start with:

1) remove built-in data networking [as in, a cellular connection, not the car's 'network'].
2) physically separate the car's entertainment system from the network that used to operate the car [engine/brakes/ABS]

And yes, I know the manufacturers won't do 1 because they believe you didn't pay enough for the car when you bought it, that they deserve both a monthly fee just because you have possession of the car and whatever money they can generate by selling whatever information they can that your car generates and is automatically uploaded to their servers on your dime. Including audio and video from the interior of your car.

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