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Comment Re:This actually makes perfect sense. (Score 3, Informative) 117

Except water vapor is the gaseous form of water; the plankton would have to be transported on individual molecules of water to reach the ionosphere.

If plankton were transportable in microscopic *droplets* in the troposphere as you suggest, a more plausible explanation is that the equipment was contaminated -- both the station itself and the gear used to test it.

Comment Re:Trust, but verify (Score 1) 170

I disagree. It means trust but don't rely entirely on trust when you have other means at your disposal.

Consider a business deal. You take the contract to your lawyer and he puts all kinds of CYA stuff that supposedly protects you against bad faith. But let me tell you: if the other guy is dealing in bad faith you're going to regret getting mixed up with him, even if you've got the best lawyer in the world working on the contract. So you should only do critical deals with parties you trust.

But if the deal is critical, you should still bring the lawyer in. Why? Because situtations change. Ownership and management change. Stuff can look different when stuff doesn't go the way everyone hoped. People can act differently under pressure. Other people working at the other company might not be as trustworthy as the folks sitting across the table from you. All kinds of reasons.

So you trust, but verify that the other party can't stab you in the back, because neither method is 100% effective. It's common sense in business, and people usually don't take it personally. When they *do*, then that's kind of fishy in my opinion.

Comment Re:Why speed only a little? (Score 2) 475

Why would you want to get there at 120 MPH if you were not stuck behind the wheel on the way? You can use that time for yourself, catching up on some reading or sleep, watching TV or posting on /.. Going that fast shaves a little time off but costs you an awful lot more in fuel and maintenance costs.

I can see the commute becoming a golden time for many people. No family, no distractions.

Comment Re:We commenters could freshen CSS, keep functions (Score 4, Insightful) 34

A couple of days ago Soylent News implemented Unicode support. Considering the far greater resources that Dice have and how few Soylent needed to get it done, you would think real features like that would be coming thick and fast. Instead they wasted all the effort on a cosmetic make-over that most people seem to hate and which isn't even functionally as good as the classic site.

Unfortunately I think Slashdot's problems go far deeper than can be fixed with a bit of CSS.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

Riddle me this - if women are somehow, somewhere being paid less for doing the same job, having the same experience and qualifications as men, why wouldn't employers hire the cheaper employee?

Because companies are not perfectly rational actors. They are made up of people, and at management level the majority are men. They tend to hire and promote and give wages rises to people like them, i.e. other men.

Often the pay gap is due to the jobs being functionally identical but with different titles, so men and women are doing the same work to the same standard but one gets paid more.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

Get a brand new CEO fired for donating private funds to an anti gay marriage effort years before? That's apparently a-OK.

I seem to recall it wasn't a-OK actually. There were a lot of articles, comments and blog posts about how it wasn't a-OK, much of it in mainstream media.

Having said that, it is a-OK because his beliefs were a choice he made, an opinion he held. Being gay is not a choice and can't be changed, so it's not okay to blame people for being gay. A person has to accept the consequences of their choices and stated opinions, but cannot be held accountable for the way they were born.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

The key difference that we always come back to is that homosexuality harms no-one else, where as paedophilia does. Gay people marrying does not harm you, so you should tolerate it even if you don't like it. Paedophilia harms children so you should not tolerate it.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

Tolerance is accepting and not discriminating against people who you may disagree but who do not harm you. Tolerance does not require you to tolerate people attacking you, trying to take away your rights and happiness.


Ballmer Leaves Microsoft Board 142

jones_supa writes: After leaving his position as CEO of Microsoft a year ago, Steve Ballmer has still held a position as a member of the board of directors for the company. Now, he is leaving the board, explaining why in a letter to fresh Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. "I have become very busy," Ballmer explains. "I see a combination of Clippers, civic contribution, teaching and study taking up a lot of time." Despite his departure, the former-CEO is still invested in the company's success, and he spent most of the letter encouraging Nadella and giving advice. Nadella shot back a supportive, equally optimistic response, promising that Microsoft will thrive in "the mobile-first, cloud-first world."

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