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Comment Rules for thee but not for me (Score 1) 11

Poor countries must demonstrate clearer accounting and transparency to back up their calls for trillions of dollars of climate finance,

Why, when no first world nation does the same?

At this point trillions of dollars have gone into climate related slush funds with much of it siphoned off to make some very rich people incredibly richer, with a tiny portion actually going to real efforts to help the environment.

Why shouldn't the third would be allowed to dine at the same trough? Sounds like a racist thing if I'm being honest.

Comment Re:The solution no one will implement (Score 0) 35

Here's the obvious solution that none of these companies will implement. Don't create an AI that purports to know anything. They don't. Instead, make one that can explain it's answers or reasoning and doesn't pretend to understand anything.

Nobody knows how to do that, at least not for a model of useful size. It would have to be reasoning in order to explain, but they aren't doing that.

Comment Re:I prefer to be in charge of my vehicle's brakin (Score 1) 263

The speed sensitive cruise control systems should not permit you to choose a following distance which is so excessively close.

They don't. That is one of the chief complaints about adaptive cruise control systems by people

The systems do in fact allow you to choose less than 3 seconds' following distance. People are literally complaining that the system won't let them drive unsafely.

The more space you have between cars the faster you can safely move on the road in question which also means the higher the road capacity.

The faster you go, the more space you need between cars to maintain safe following distance. If I have a safe following distance between me and the car ahead, if someone merges into that space then I no longer have safe following distance, so now we need even more space. At commute times there is not enough road available for all the cars to have safe following distance at speed. This is what happens on any overutilized road. If you wait for that much distance to appear then traffic backs up at the point of entry.

Comment Re:who cares about debt? (Score 1) 250

The rest of the world won't, because their own currencies are currently inflating more than the USD.

The U.S. is squarely in the middle of the list of world inflation (you can sort by tapping on column headers).

But the bigger problem is inflation ahead, which is illuminated quite well by the debt to GDP ratio map, where only a handful of countries are worse off... the interest payments for the U.S. debt are nearing exponential increase.

Got Gold?

Comment Re:You're using crypto wrong (Score 1) 15

This has the added benefit of using something a bit more stable than the US dollar, which doesn't have a fixed supply because they keep printing more of it.

They also destroy it, but they should be printing more of it (and not destroying the same amount) when GDP expands.

Comment Re:Tracking (Score 2) 36

Tracking is the root problem. Remove tracking and you remove the imbalance and drive behind collecting all that meta data in the first place.

Tracking is only the way the data is gathered.

Make it illegal to sell the data and then you make it possible for the authorities to do something about it, which reduces much of the drive behind etc etc.

Comment Re:Just use Debian (Score 1) 111

I used the root on ZFS instructions for Debian and they worked pretty well for Devuan. You have to change some commands and package names a little bit for sysvinit instead of systemd, but everything you need is in the repos.

I did my install with Devuan 4, but I upgraded and am now running Devuan 5 with kernel 6.6.13, and pipewire/wireplumber. The only vestige of PoetteringOS on my system is pulseaudio, which is not running. It's there for the client libraries, and for the package dependency for volume controls for X desktops.

Comment Re:I hate modern Linux distros (Score 1) 111

It's not a big deal to just have more libraries installed in most cases. It would be nice if it were a little easier, though. You can have as many versions of whatever library around as you want, that's not a problem, but then there's those libraries' associated resource files in /usr/share or whatever.

Comment Re:Aggressive drivers (Score 1) 263

it is a fact that people largely think that crosswalks grant universal, absolute right-of-way. They do not, right-of-way does not include a privilege of violating the right of way of other vehicles/pedestrians. If it did, right of way would mean nothing.
A cross walk does not grant you the right to step out into the street when a vehicle is coming.

This is dependent on state law. In California, it does unless the crosswalk is at a controlled intersection, where only the lights and signs can grant the right of way. We now have no jaywalking laws, and when you are not in a defined crosswalk, you do not have the right of way as a pedestrian. When you are then you do.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
