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Comment Re:Too complicated (Score 1) 131

... especially since you likely already have a laser printer, and therefore already have the ability to print stamps as needed.

Have you tried to print just ONE label? What a waste of time and labels ...

Besides, just because someone has a smartphone doesn't mean they own a laser printer. With less and less need for hard copies to physically mail stuff, many people have to borrow some luddite's printer nowadays.

Comment Re:Or maybe it's a really smart tactic. (Score 1) 22

After all, the Dunning-Kruger effect may be at play here. The dumb ones will say "yep, fer sure, ab-so-lute-ly. You got my vote." Especially since they'll be assuming he's talking about opponents, not *gasp* them.

Certainly a possibility. It is a case of the bias of the current media, though. This kind of statement is on the same level as what got Howard Dean crucified by the media back in 2004, just of the opposite magnitude. If it had come from someone working for the democrats the media would already be screaming for their head and playing the funeral march for the candidate. Instead since it is a republican nobody cares.

It's politics. Any relation between it and real life is purely accidental.

Seems to be more true as time goes on.

Submission + - Chris Kluwe Posts Epic Takedown of #Gamergate (

PvtVoid writes: Call it a troll submission if you wish. Fuck that. This is a must-read.

Thus, when I see an article titled “Gamers are dead,” referring to the death of the popular trope of a pasty young man in a dimly lit room, it fills me with joy, because it means WE FUCKING WON. So many people are playing games now that they are popular culture. They are not going away. All sorts of cool things, that I like, are now things that a whole bunch of other people like! There’s enough space now for people to make games that are strange and disturbing and maybe highlight a different perspective of the world, because gaming is no longer a niche activity, it’s something that everybody does. There is room for art in video games. That’s awesome!

You slopebrowed weaseldicks with zero reading comprehension and even less critical thinking skills who think an article claiming “Gamers are dead” is something bad? Fuck me sideways with a sandblaster.

Read on for more that ain't from Bennett.

Submission + - NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies (

An anonymous reader writes: The Whipgenie document details one company’s involvement in “domestic wire access collection” 2013 an apparent reference to eavesdropping inside the United States. Under current law, such surveillance is only allowed after the government obtains a court order. But the document said that at least one “Corporate Partner” was involved in a “cooperative effort” to break into U.S. communications. This information, it says, is itself classified and should be closely guarded:

Comment Re:I for one (Score 1) 342

PETA euthanizes 90% of the dogs they get within 24 hours. They've got it down to a science. They're like people who put down their pets because "it's better than maybe going to a home where they're not loved." Maybe if we didn't have laws against them doing that to their offspring, they'd weed themselves out of the gene pool quicker.

Comment Or maybe it's a really smart tactic. (Score 1) 22

After all, the Dunning-Kruger effect may be at play here. The dumb ones will say "yep, fer sure, ab-so-lute-ly. You got my vote." Especially since they'll be assuming he's talking about opponents, not *gasp* them.

H. L. Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It's politics. Any relation between it and real life is purely accidental.

Comment Re:There are limits to freedom of speach (Score 1) 489

I'd like to see some examples of colonial judges enacting new laws.

Also, I'd like to point out that your response is non sequitur to the point - Constitutionally, only the legislative branch can legally create laws; the only legitimate argument would be to point out somewhere in the Constitution that says otherwise.

Submission + - Steve Wozniak accepts adjunct professorship at UTS (

An anonymous reader writes: Apple co-founder Steve “Woz” Wozniak has accepted an adjunct professorship at the University of Technology Sydney. "He beams in on our telepresence device to chat with students, share his latest ideas and entertain with jokes and the occasional prank,” said lab director Professor Mary-Anne Williams. In 2012, Wozniak announced plans to become an Australian citizen — expressing interest in the country's National Broadband Network (NBN) and the concept of government regulated broadband — although that ambition has not yet been fulfilled.

Comment Re:Compelling, but a mix still better... (Score 1) 399

For a different take, why not read Houston, Do You Read?

I have it in my home dead-trees library, and it's quite the read.

Somewhat contrary to the wikipedia article, it's not anti-male sentiment, but anti-patriarchal. Even one of the men realizes that there's just no way he can leave his learned habits behind completely, and will contaminate the new world. And there's regret among both sides that it's just not possible.

Comment Re:Like everything else, it depends ... (Score 1) 14

I'm glad we're maybe closer in views about the reaction of many towards Twitter death threats.

It should go without saying that only losers make death threats ... unfortunately nowadays you have to clarify everything because "common sense" is an oxymoron.

And sure, in the heat of the moment, and thanks to everyone else around them who gets a little guilty "frisson" from these things and perhaps exaggerates the danger, people will over-react. I get it. I saw it happen again this weekend, and when all the adults are acting childish, sometimes the only thing to do is shut up, walk away, and wait till the next day to pick up the pieces without rubbing it into anyone's faces that they could have acted better.

I've never been worried about APK. If he were to show up here, I'd probably invite him in and ask him what his problem is. There are two people I wouldn't do that with, but they've already proven themselves to be very dangerous; but after giving it lots of thought, I would even talk with the schizo killer provided there was some physical security present. After all, I can't continue to blame someone if they were crazy at the time. So that leaves just one, and they have no excuse for their actions. And if they were to resume following me around, I'd call the police.

Now, if the cops said "move", that's a whole different kettle of fish ...

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