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Comment Re:Unsurprising... (Score 0) 853

I'm glad to see someone admit something--all of the radical liberal movements in the US (environmental extremism, pro-gay, anti-military, pro-union, and most of the rest of the Democrat interest groups) are all just displaced Communists.

Comment Re:What exactly is being broken by quantum compute (Score 1) 228

Simply choosing an encryption method that doesn't rely on the difficulty of large integer factorization or one of the other in the "quantum age" no-longer-difficult problems will save traditional encryption.

I don't believe such a method is known to exist (and it's not for lack of looking). Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Comment Re:Quite right (Score 1) 228

No, it can be done on a switched network, as long as the switching is all-optical (or you have a quantum repeater). Fortunately, this sort of technology is MUCH simpler than a full-blown quantum computer, so wide-scale quantum cryptography will be viable (though not necessarily in place) long before quantum computing is viable.

Comment Re:And computers used to cost millions of dollars (Score 1) 471

What enables me to earn wealth is the natural ability of a human being, in the presence of a society that allows individuals to fulfill that potential. Government is not the creator of this society (it is, in fact, created by the people), only the appointed protector of it. Government of course has legitimate functions, but taking wealth from the people who created it and handing it out to others is not one of them.

Comment Re:And computers used to cost millions of dollars (Score 1) 471

tax breaks for people who don't need them, don't deserve them, and in many cases don't want them

When someone earns, or really creates, some amount of wealth, that person is the sole entity that deserves that wealth. Whether or not they need it is irrelevant. Taxes are only morally acceptable when they go to fund a legitimate role of government.

If anyone doesn't want a tax cut, they are free to send more money to the US Treasury department.

Comment Re:Here's todays reality: (Score 1) 763

The result is a large number of foreign assembly plants here in the US. Those workers have health plans, they have not collected 99 weeks of unemployment, had their houses foreclosed, or joined the ranks of 40 million American citizens collecting food stamps. Most of them did not incur 10+ years of education debt to achieve all of the above.

No, they just sucked their companies dry by holding a gun to their heads during union contract negotiations, then had taxpayers like me write them a $50 billion check so they could go bankrupt two weeks later. Oh, and then stole the company's assets from the rightful bond holders and gave it to themselves (the union). All the while forcing me to pay unnecessarily high prices for cars. You picked a great example there...

Comment Re:Treat Digital Copies Like Books (Score 1) 214

All intellectual property at the moment of creation belongs The People . This is to ensure that we always possess a rich culture of art, literature, and technology. After all, everything is created by building on the works of others.

This statement says the same thing with and without the word "intellectual". This is proposing that all created property (e.g., a house that I built with my bare hands) belongs to "The People".

This is Communism.

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