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User Journal

Journal Journal: Anyone know who did UPS' website? 5

I would like them to be informed that they are douchewaffles. Even the whole sign-in/password recovery system feels like something running on a 3270.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why I'm not playing Evochron Mercenary

The trial is two days, so I didn't want to start it, and now I've removed it for disk space, and probably won't bother to reinstall. Let this be a lesson to you, limited-time trials are for fucking idiots.


Journal Journal: Oh Steam, how do I hate thee 4

Let me count the ways... I just want to uninstall a game, I don't want to update Steam. I need that disk space back now, not tomorrow.


Journal Journal: why do the democrats keep spamming me 5

They solicited me several times to go to expensive dinners I can't afford, and now they want me to buy "which mitt" mugs. Is it a plot to attempt to drive me to the republican party? It's not going to work, I'll vote third party this time no matter what.

User Journal

Journal Journal: RJ;DR. 2

Here's your chance to do something for the web. When a story is posted that requires javascript, JUST SAY NO.

Requires Javascript;Didn't Read. FTW.

Fight back against douchewaffles like Gawker Media who don't understand the web.

User Journal

Journal Journal: An open letter to Avira 5

I am getting tired of your popups, and the fact that your facebook app does not support https makes me laugh at your notion of security. I dub thee douchewaffle. Time to look for another free antivirus. Will not recommend Avira for corporate use evar.

User Journal

Journal Journal: How retarded, Drupal. 3

Drupal.org now has to run scripts on your computer to render the page with styles. What idiots.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Civ IV 1

I guess it wouldn't be Civ if it didn't crash ALL THE DAMNED TIME. They appear to be allocating video memory and then never freeing it. What year is it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Death and Rich Internet Applications 1

Remember Rich Internet Applications (RIA -- not to be confused with RIAA)? Three years ago, they were the new hotness, with frameworks like Cappuccino, SproutCore, and (less buzz, but just as interesting) GWT getting their fair share of virtual ink. They promised desktop-quality applications in the browser with better development methodologies. GWT let you develop and debug your web app in java and then compile to javascript. Cappuccino (from a group of former Apple employees) re-implemented the Cocoa/OpenStep libraries and even the objective C language in javascript. And SproutCore copied Cocoa ideas, but with javascript/ruby sensibilities. Apple liked SproutCore enough to hire the developers and used it instead of Web Objects for iWork, iCloud, et cetera.

But then what?

GWT is still around and developed, but they've moved on to the next big thing, i.e., dart.

280 North, the Cappuccino developers, was bought up by Motorola a year ago for $20 million.

Strobe, the primary developers of SproutCore, were bought up by Facebook a couple weeks ago.

Since these projects are all under Free (MIT, Apache, and LGPL) licenses, they won't disappear (in fact, they're still receiving minor updates). But when their primary (or only) developers get bored or cash out, it's safe to say they'll soon stagnate, which is a shame, really.

User Journal

Journal Journal: anyone looking for a DDoS target? 5

Now, I don't condone this behavior, but if you're getting ready to test a script, why not aim it at www.santaclarafurniture.com? I'm tired of them spamming CL :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cain and Race

I'll tell you what... I'm getting pretty tired of people bringing the "color of his skin" issue up with this guy Cain. Tired of it because it's so oversimplifying the issue as to make it become a fiction... a construct.

Of COURSE there are people who just see the color of someones skin or their race, and attribute certain things to them. Those people are in the distinct minority (I would say 3 to 5% of the population), and could be objectively classified as mentally deficient.

It's not that simple as "race".

It's about CLASS. Why people are unable to make that leap in logic is beyond me. This fixation with "race"... I don't know what's up with that, and why people are stuck on that, when it's obvious it's all about class for 95% of people.

Do people REALLY believe that their opponents are racist? Do they not really understand that they are actually classist? I honestly don't know.

User Journal

Journal Journal: frozenbyte fail 2

$ sudo ./survivorUpdate1.run ./survivorUpdate1.run: error while loading shared libraries: libglade-2.0.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64$ sudo ./survivorUpdate1.run ./survivorUpdate1.run: error while loading shared libraries: libglade-2.0.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

getlibs didn't fix
nothing in the faq, nothing easy to find in the bug db
hate hate hate stupid installers that add nothing.

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