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Comment Re:Shit, not again (Score 1) 34

Yes indeed, "not again". The US system of taxes on prizes is utterly ludicrous. No way should the recipient of a prize be liable for any kind of payment. Tax the prizes if you must, but that will be payable by the organization that issues the prize.

And don't get me started on a slightly OT rant about the retarded situation that permits US mobile carriers to charge customers to receive SMS messages.

Comment Re:I never felt right after tonsillectomy (Score 1) 90

There could be a relationship there.

More likely though is that children grow in bursts and you may have had such a growth spurt coincide with the surgery. Children who have become accustomed to their bodies having certain parameters (height, mass, limb length, etc), can and do often appear clumsy and less coordinated overall for a period when these parameters suddenly change. Although I suspect this is more evident in teenagers.

Comment Re:Nice try cloud guys (Score 0) 339

The cloud is automation layers to manage virtualization solutions and baremetal as a whole, automate management and deployment. It is about efficiency and accesibility for the enduser. It's about the possibility of exposing resources direct to users on demand.

Now that I disagree with.

The cloud is synonymous with "someone else's computer".

Comment Re:Ah, yes, modest skepticism. (Score 1) 86

That's not how I read the GP at all.

While the current trends are undeniable and a strong case for human causation exists, climate scientists, or at least people dressing up as climate scientists, often make statements beyond their expertise.

I'm talking about bold predictions such as by year 20xx sea levels will rise by x mm or the polar ice caps will be xx% smaller or Chicago will be xx degrees hotter in winter.

That's what I thought the GP was getting at, but I could of course be mistaken.

Comment Re:Episode V! (Score 1) 457

I don't really know why he stopped, but my own opinion is that it was because ROTJ nearly killed him. While he didn't direct ESB nor ROTJ, he was still very hands on through it and fretted at every expense.

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