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Comment Re:Be careful of the term "terrorist attack" (Score 1) 737

I figure, it may have taken him some time to seize the opportunity, as well as build up his nerve.. only once the pilot left the cockpit, he had his opportunity, and, locking the door, was committed. But then it's a race against time before someone eventually busts through the cockpit door and thwarts him, so it's "safer" to his plan to just crash the plane before that happens, similar to what happened to the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11 and didn't make it to the White House.

Comment Re:Not faultless (Score 1) 536

Well, you have to admit, it is sort of the mindset here. Consider, some malcontent writes a virus that destroys systems, and the prevailing sentiment is that it's entirely some system admin's fault because he didn't have the latest antivirus patches, firewalls, etc.. when it takes down his system. Malware is treated like an act of god or of nature, so that by extension, the victim is at fault. It's not a huge gap for some people to apply that to megacorps too I suppose.

Comment Re:Be careful of the term "terrorist attack" (Score 1) 737

If, shortly, ISIS makes a statement to the effect that the copilot was one of theirs, then there is the statement that defines this as terrorism. They've vowed attacks of any and every kind on every western (and even mid-eastern) nature. We can expect to see more events like this, because the nutjobs are crawling out of the woodwork.
IF the guy was in fact not one of theirs, or one of AQ, but instead had some other personal issue, then I'd agree, this was just murder, not terrorism.

Comment Re:Be careful of the term "terrorist attack" (Score 1) 737

It's so extremely unlikely as to be absurd, that this guy was merely suicidal or depressed. Depressed/suicidal people want to end their own misery, but don't generally want to commit mass murder by killing 150 people, as you said. We're going to find out a lot more about this guy over the next 2 weeks; my first guess is that he's an ISIS sympathizer, though other possibilities certainly warrant consideration. Time will tell.

Comment (Score 1) 295

I had been registered via godaddy, and hosted by until last year, when I transferred my domain registration to bluehost as well. It just seemed logical to put it all together. No horror stories, and their pricing seems quite normal and competitive. Godaddy gave me some crap when I tried to transfer, but I finally managed to workaround their tricks and drop them.
As far as a host goes, I guess bluehost is alright; I really can't make an honest comparison of performance since they're all I've used, but overall I'm happy with them, decent bandwidth, pricing, and very little downtime. Decent support as well.
This all said, it must be a slow news day; domain registration is not that tricky of a procedure, even for non-IT nerds, and there are lots of good registrars to choose from.. except maybe godaddy and networksolutions.

Comment Re:The economies of many nations? Try the sconomy (Score 1) 190

When people want to refer to Canadians, they just say "Canadians", there's really no confusion. If they want to refer to people of the whole north continent (both US and Canada), they can say "North Americans".. there are also Central Americans and South Americans, but the continents are collectively referred to as "The Americas".. there is no *single continent* called simply, "America"; it's understood by everyone but pendants that "America" means the USA.

Comment Re:Have we handed the government control over it? (Score 2) 347

This is spot on. In my area, there's really only Verizon or Comcast (and I can't even get FIOS here with Verizon). Both of them gouge the consumer, they're just two different heads of the same coin. I'm not a fan of big government, but some degree of regulation is a must in a capitalist system, and if anyone needs a taste of regulation, it'd be these two.

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