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Comment Louisiana and Mississippi (Score 1) 242

All along the Mississippi River towns filter and purify water from the river for drinking, then treat their sewage and put it back into the river. If you drink the water near the delta then part of what you're drinking has been through dozens or hundreds of people.

Connecting the output to the input eliminates some of the waste of wastewater. It's good enough for NASA, so it's good enough for you.

Comment Re: Perl (Score 1) 536

  • regardless of ease (theoretical expressivity)
  • concisely and readily (practical expressivity)
  • The first sense dominates in areas of mathematics and logic that deal with the formal description of languages and their meaning, such as formal language theory, mathematical logic and process algebra.[2]

    In informal discussions, the term often refers to the second sense, or to both. This is often the case when discussing programming languages.[3] Efforts have been made to formalize these informal uses of the term.[4]

Yes, both can be useful definitions. When discussing comparative expressiveness of two Turing-complete languages the second holds more meaning. Being Turing-complete means they are equivalent in the first meaning.

Comment Re: Perl still works, and PHP is fine (Score 1) 536

PDO is based on the Perl5 DBI which was done the right way the first time. "Deprecated" doesn't mean it's not being used. Once it's actually removed and people are actually using 5.6 in production then PHP will be more consistent.

That's just a small example, though, of the failure to support loadable modules and separate namespaces for so long. PHP historically has been very inconsistent. Future PHP may not be so, but it's not the future yet.

Comment Re:So is this the US govt giving Bitcoin legitimac (Score 1) 232

It's an auction. The great thing about an auction is it sets a data point for market value in the fact that people are paying for something in a competitive manner.

The size of the deposit does set a minimum expectation of the value of a block, although I've made deposits (much smaller ones) on auction items that went for less than the deposit. That's not common, but in the case that it happens the balance of the deposit is just returned to the buyer.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
