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Comment Re:Cheaper method (Score 4, Insightful) 127

Climatologists get paid whether the world is warming or cooling, and it's not as if the politicians are doing much in regards to what the scientists are saying.

Besides, there's a lot more profit in being a mouthpiece for the fossil fuel industry.

But hey, maybe you can hire Ben Stein to narrate a documentary detailing how all the biolo... er climatologists are in an evil cabal to hide the truth.

Comment Re:no doubt living in Russia sucks (Score 1) 671

And to be fair didn't USA more or less invented freedom? ;D (No? Someone feel free to write down some points, I'm interested and don't really mean and say that USA was first but I respect it being a thing from the very beginning over there and taken seriously.)

The Western concept of freedom probably started with the Greeks. Of course, they weren't perfect, they owned slaves (as did the young American Republic) but Western civilization has never been and never will be perfect. The Romans added a great deal to the mix, as did the British, and the United States is really just built on all that came before it.

Incidentally, I've never been to Sweden, but I've spent some time in Finland. I'm actually headed back there for a month this summer and have a trip to Stockholm on the agenda. If you've got any suggestions for things to do.... :)

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 2) 671

Most likely he would be tried under a military tribunal as an enemy combatant, which means he is already guilty no matter what evidence is presented.

Our country can't even move forward with the military tribunals of unlawful combatant foreign nationals captured aboard, even though such tribunals are explicitly allowed under both domestic and international law. You think we'd be able to do it against an American citizen, for crimes allegedly committed on American soil? Give me a break. This is the type of conspiracy theory nonsense that makes internet discussions a complete waste of time. Study how the real world works, it's a lot more boring and bureaucratic than you think.

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 2) 671

You'll forgive me if I decline to discuss my views of the relevant NSA programs, since /. isn't exactly welcoming to opinions more nuanced than "Snowden Good. NSA Bad."

All I'll say on the subject is that there are mechanisms in place for people who feel their Government is doing wrong. He could have gone to the relevant Congressional committees or the Inspector General at NSA. He could have used the whistleblower act. He ignored all of those options and leaped straight to leaking, then further threw the baby out with the bathwater by leaking details of programs that had no bearing whatsoever on domestic civil liberties, like NSA's activities against China. In effect, he substituted his judgment for the judgment of our elected representatives, an act of extraordinary hubris in the words of Robert Gates.

In spite of everything I may have retained some understanding of his choices had he opted to selectively leak the details of NSA's domestic activities. He didn't do that though, he took as much as he possibly could and leaked it all, with no consideration for the damage it would do to American interests and national security. That may not mean anything to you but such actions have far reaching ramifications and I don't recall seeing Mr. Snowden's name on the ballot when I was selecting the people who would wield that power on my behalf.

Comment Great product bloodlines (Score 2, Interesting) 56

Keith McMillan Instruments is the company that makes the QuNEO board, which I've been using in the studio and live performance for over a year now and it's one of my favorite controllers.

My only suggestion is to wait until the 2nd iteration. It's a small company and I had trouble with my first QuNEO, which had some bugs. The ones they're selling now are really great though, with top build quality.

Oh yeah, the K-Board is going for $99, which probably means it would be soon showing up for less at Guitar Center if Mitt Romney's Bain Capital (nka "Ares Capital") hadn't run Guitar Center into the ground and stripped its assets and turned it into a smoking crater of a company (for which Bain Capital was paid handsomely).

In summary: Keith McMillan Instruments is a good company that makes good, reasonably priced products. Bain Capital makes absolutely nothing and is as evil as a company can be without directly poisoning people. Any questions?

Comment Re:no doubt living in Russia sucks (Score 1) 671

I would not generalize Russia to be a shithole.

You might have a different perspective if you're homosexual. Or Muslim. Or generally anything but Slavic Orthodox.

Here's an interesting statistic that speaks volumes about corruption in Russia: The annual global wealth study published by the financial services group Credit Suisse says a mere 110 Russian citizens now control 35 percent of the total household wealth across the vast country.

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 2) 671

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law. - MLK Jr, emphasis mine

I can't arose much sympathy for someone who professes to love his country but seeks refuge from a regime that stands opposed to virtually everything his country stands for. There are people who are willing to die for this country, without fame or recognition, but Mr. Snowden both outs himself and refuses to face a jury of his fellow citizens?

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