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Comment Re:Hypochondria? (Score 2, Informative) 368

It would be nice with more refined diagnosis tools on the net tho; easily accessible and structured decision trees which can guide you through how to both rule in and rule out possibilities would make a good tool for both patients and doctors. Done correctly it could even cut down unnecessary doctors visits and/or increase chances of early discovery of some diseases.

The NHS has already produced a pretty good one. They also have a really good selection of information on their NHS Direct site, and a local rate national helpline to talk about general health related issues. Slightly more geekily, they have a Behind the headlines news site which gives the real science behind some of the more heinously bad medical reporting that some sections of the media engage in.

Plenty of controversy over nationalised healthcare systems: can't fault the NHS's online presence though, it's a real anomaly amongst Governmental efforts on the 'net.

Comment Re:Scope (Score 1) 745

It is pretty bad. What about people that are dangerous but not sexually dangerous? It seems that the law puts higher precedence on sexual crime versus general physical crime. If someone has proven to be a violent offender in general they should be deemed dangerous and left in prison to protect society.

Comment Re:What's so bad about swearing, anyway? (Score 1) 698

While words have power, there's some non-small number of folks who believe that words have intrinsic power. As in, for some reason, a particular combination of sounds has some inherent ability to produce effects.


Ask the opposite question: What's so good about swearing? Why do people do it? Why does it feel more powerful to say, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" than "What the heck is wrong with you?" Because those words are artifically endowed with power by society. If people didn't consider them "bad", there wouldn't be any particular reason to use them. When you swear, you demonstrate that you do think there's something special about the word, or you wouldn't use it.

If anything, sprinkling in illogical references sexual intercourse, body parts, and religious concepts to artificially increase the power of any sentence seems like "magical thinking" to me.

Comment More screen = More resolution = Advantage. (Score 1) 138

No matter how big your TV, it's almost a certainty that 3x low res monitors would have more visual real-estate. More pixels.

You see more, you literally get a larger field of view.

You have a significant advantage if your resolution is higher and the game supports enhanced FOV. No TV, no matter how good, or no display no matter how big, can show you more.

Comment Re:Social networks (Score -1) 295

ok, so lets try a simpler word... how do you pronounce "mom"?

now ask someone in the midwest, now ask someone on the west coast, now ask someone on the east coast. now enjoy the fight.

stop being so pretentious that you think language is fixed and not an evolution of multiple dialects.

Comment Re:But if they just buy our software (Score 1) 388

Mod this man up.

Updates were annoying 10 years ago. Now any company that expects to make any money at all in the market has a decent update and patching system built in. Hell Microsoft gives one to you for free if you choose to use it (it's part of the MSI toolkit). If the user hasn't approved auto-updates, well they've asked for the harassment, now haven't they? Those probably aren't the users who will be going out and buying a mass auto-update software (that probably needs its own regular updates, to boot!).

The only exception I could see is where the misguided anti-Microsoft geek has helpfully chosen "Ask me before installing" for updates on his mom's Windows box "because, you know, like, Micro$haft updates break more than they fix, 'n stuff. M$ suuuuucks!!".

Then the machines are turned into zombies within six months, because vulnerabilities never get patched.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 388

Come on, admit it... you couldn't support that many distros in 5 steps. Or come anywhere close to supporting 80% of the linux user base without a doubling or tripling of development time for the installer.

This is my main point: until "runs on Linux" covers a vast majority of users, without having huge development times just for the installer, without having to open up your source code, Linux adoption will continue to suffer.

Though I suppose if all development goes to HTML5 delivery, the point is moot.

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