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Comment Re:90 days to fix (Score 0) 129

You've never been through regression testing have you?

If stories of Microsoft's competence (heh heh) are to be believed (heh heh heh) then they already have a full test harness in place, and engineers tasked full-time with adding new cases to the system. Given what slips through, though, one doubts both their competence and also that they have a meaningfully representative set of PCs to test on. I'll grant you that would be difficult in the best case due to wide variation in the market, but the point stands.

Comment Re:Bitcoin != Coins (Score 1) 108

$370 million is subjective. 650,000 inherently worthless pieces of information went missing.

"Inherently worthless" is the salient feature of money. When you trade things of intrinsic value you are bartering. It's only the fact that you were taught to value "dollars" without question that makes you think "$370 million" has any intrinsic value.

Comment Re:Non-scientist at work (Score 1) 292

Well, we know the Nazi regime asembled ME 262s in an elaborate network of underground tunnels to avoid Allied bombers who late in the war were operating over Germany with near impunity. The tunnels were excavated and ME 262s assembled with Jewish slave labor under horrific conditions.

If you were involved with such a thing you'd have plenty of reason to keep it secret.

Comment Re:The times, they are a'changin' (Score 2) 341

I wonder what else he has up his sleeve.

Sadly, it doesn't include treating women like humans. He still believes they're inferior. I don't take him seriously on the subject of the poor, either; the vatican is still sitting on too much wealth. But seeing the pope agree with current science is a refreshing breath of fresh air. The vatican must surely have investments in companies whose management are not glad to hear this lot from the pope.

Comment Re:What can I really do with these things? (Score 1) 81

As a joe computer user, about all you can do with them that's meaningful is run XBMC or build a NAS. But you could buy something to do that for the same kind of money once you add a case and power supply.

If you want to get a bit hackish, these computers can control stuff if you add some relays or whatnot. That's who they're for.

Comment Re:90 days to fix (Score 1) 129

you can get the source (harder with closed-source products, but not impossible with enough money) and support it yourself

Well no. Sometimes you can find the bug, but you're not allowed to use the source. Common with closed-source products. They'll give you enough information to help them, but they won't legally let you help yourself. Because money.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
