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Comment Re:You can probably thank Microsoft for this... (Score 1) 285

OK, would it be fair to say that Sharepoint sucks in roles that lots of people seem to expect it to be useful for?

Yes that's fair. Though IMHO most companies and individuals don't really use any of their software right. So for example the #1 thing people do with Excel is keep lists. There is far better outlining software than Excel which is much better for lists. But...

I'm hardly an expert, but I kept getting the impression that it was a bad tool intended for general use.

I think most companies (over 100 employees) need a document library. Most companies write a large percentage of their documents in Office. I think Share Point is a reasonable choice for a document library for most companies. That's the general use. Then you throw in project resources like team calendars, team wikis... I think it is rather good and less hassle than most of them. But that's different than saying no hassle.

Taking the example of a file share. What most people do with a file share is better done in SharePoint than NFS. Which is not to say Share Point makes a good no frills file share but the changes that Share Point induces are the right kinds of changes for most companies and will benefit them.

Similarly on things like project calendar sharing.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

When incompetence is pitted against extreme radicalism, I'll take incompetence any day. As bad as Quinn is, he's head and shoulders above Blago or Ryan. However, the Republican would have to be pretty bad, one I would fear would really screw the country up (anyone named "Bush" would do it). In likelihood I'll vote Greenie or Libbie, depending on their candidates.

Comment Re:Floater. (Score 1) 3

Not just Kubrick but damned near every other science fiction writer. Hell, Asimov had antique cars that were not only self-driving but sentient, six years from now.

But a few hundred years from now? I don't think ion drives driven by two fusion generators is out of line for that timeline. By then there will be technologies we can't even dream of today.

I did make a huge math error by not actually doing the math and I'm not sure how I'll fix it. Someone pointed out that you could get to Mars' orbit on the other side of the sun in three days at .8G. Damn.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Pretty Good Friday

For the last several years my Easter routine has been a three day celebration. On Good Friday I find somewhere to have Walleye for lunch, which isn't hard. Most places have it every Friday. Friday nights I like to find a bunch of Christians (not hard, most bars are filled with Christians) and get drunk with them on the blood of the lamb.

Comment Re:You can probably thank Microsoft for this... (Score 1) 285

I wouldn't say SharePoint sucks. It sucks when you don't use it as intended. The GP was using it as a file share. SharePoint is very good as a light document management solution with MS Office integration.

As far as the rest, I said the comparison is to Documentum. Documentum generally recommends an implementation team. It is not uncommon that Documentum has a permanent IT support department (i.e. multiple people). Share Point can get by with less than 1. As for metadata and using it its way. Yes. That's standard for a document management solution.


Imagine if someone was talking about SQLServer as a replacement for Oracle and we were discussing the lower cost and lower administrative hassle relative to Oracle. And you kept coming back with a comparison to using text files and how much easier and less of a problem text files were. SQL Server did a great job of taking Oracle administration (a skilled profession) and making it something that a moderately skilled admin could do part time on the side. Similarly SharePoint gets you 80% of Documentum for 20% of the cost.

1000 users on Documentum fully configured is probably just under $1m.
1000 uses on Sharepoint fully configured is about $200k

1000 users on a fileserver fully configured is going to be $20k.

That's where you need to make the comparison. For smaller business, SharePoint online you can be at $7 / user / mo for a small business. There is nothing remotely like that for the higher end suites. But heck I can get 50g file share in the cloud for free.

Comment Re:You can probably thank Microsoft for this... (Score 1) 285

You aren't getting it. Sharepoint is a cheap document management library like Documentum: http://www.emc.com/domains/doc... not an expensive fileshare.

As for the Office integration being terrible, that's just not true. Failing silently is not alright but that shouldn't be happening there is something going wrong with your config.

As for metadata... actually the Project Managers, Systems Analysts, Business analysts.... should be doing it not the engineers. Library maintenance is supposed to be part of someone's job. Seriously your company just isn't using the product right.

Comment Re:People getting wierd about liquid water (Score 1) 239

Oh yes, it was the most implausibly bizarre book I've ever read. And the interior of phobos was hollowed out to be a habitat where the sentient saurians (hadrosaurs if I recall) had been living for the last 65 million years. Yes, something was done to keep the planet from freezing. I wish I could remember the name of that book...

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