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Comment Re:we prefer Little Planet (Score 1) 321

The scientist that runs the Pluto mission disagrees with you.
Pluto is a planet. As he put it The Astronomers should not decide what is and is a planet. They Planetary geologists should.
Pluto is large enough that it has been pulled into a spherical shape. It has moons that orbit it, and it has the most mass of the bodies in the planet moon system it occupies.Pluto has an atmosphere.
Ceres could also qualify but it does not have a moon and is much smaller than Pluto.
I also have no problem with Eris being called a planet if it's orbit remains within the heliopause.
Now the moons of Mars should not be called moons IMHO since they are really just captured asteroids.

Comment Re:Linux should borrow an idea from the AS400 (Score 1) 23

I knew that Wirth did some work in that direction but I never could find it again. One idea he had was compile right to the point of code generation and then stop. When you got the file the browser/installer would then complete the code generation. All the parsing and optimization was already done.

Comment Linux should borrow an idea from the AS400 (Score 2) 23

The AS400 and System 38 before it used an "ideal" ISA that the computer then translates when you load the program on to the system. Think of it as an install time compiler.
It would be great if Linux had the same concept built in. You could do it the first time you run the program if need by.
Maybe pick the IBM zseries as the ISA so that you do not tick off Intel, AMD, or ARM.

Comment Re:Does not really matter. (Score 1) 184


" Ultraviolet is classified into near, medium and far UV according to energy, where near and medium ultraviolet are technically non-ionizing, but where all UV wavelengths can cause photochemical reactions that to some extent mimic ionization (including DNA damage and carcinogenesis)"
Far UV is ionizing and near and medium are close enough to cause the same kind of damage as ionizing radiation so you can treat it as ionizing.
Plus you have a really odd cell phone if it emits UV.

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