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Comment Re:Hacker Group? (Score 1) 78

Not "little more". Just a service interruption. But a "service interruption" that was destroying Christmas fun for a few million people.

There was very little damage done to each person. Maybe a minute of jail sentence worth of damage. Multiply by a million, and you get two years.

It wasn't just the gaming service that got hit. Sony Entertainment Network including "Video Unlimited" (formerly known as Qriocity) went down too. People who had paid up to $9.99 to rent a movie could not watch it in the 24 hours before it expired.

Same with Music Unlimited which is a subscription service, and where based on earlier incidents, people will NOT get reimbursed by Sony for several days of outages.

Comment Re:Alias? (Score 2) 78

He's not outside the jurisdiction of the law, but he's outside the jurisdiction of US law.
Like most European countries, Finland will not extradite minors (or adults for crimes done when a minor). He's 16, so at least he doesn't have to fear the American vengeance system.
But a couple of years of rehabilitation in a Finnish penitentiary is not impossible, and perhaps likely if he's really done all he's bragged about.

Comment Re:WTF UK? (Score 1) 360

Surely those trampling people to death should be held responsible, not someone who yells "Fire!" and has every expectation that people act like civilized individuals and walk out orderly.

If not, there would be a lot of trampling to death whenever there are unannounced fire drills.

Comment Re:Occam's Razor - PR stunt (Score 1) 282

FWIW, I believe that North Korea made some threats about sabotaging South Korea's Nuclear piles. That, to me, is a more credible reason for taking down their internet...

How can North Korea threaten to sabotage something that South Korea doesn't admit to? They're not a member of the Nuclear Club, last I checked.
If South Korea has a secret nuclear weapons program, that's something the world needs to know about and take actions against, just like with North Korea.

Comment Re: Really? This is on the front page? (Score 1) 38

On the flip side, if anything is mainstream, it's by definition not nerdy. So I'd say that news like this belongs here a lot more than all the mainstream articles that you can get from every news aggregator out there. That something has to do with tech doesn't make it nerdy. That it isn't mainstream, on the other hand, is a plus for nerdinessworthiness.

Comment Re:To What End? (Score 1) 282

I'm skeptical it was North Korea too. But they do in fact have a huge motive. You know how Thailand's government gets their panties in a bunch every time a foreigner somehow mocks their king?

What the hell does Thailand have to do with North Korea?

Prejudiced much?

North Korea does not have any great need to repress bad publicity. The royal house of Thailand is very different, and in a very different country with a very different culture.

Comment Re:Wait - what? (Score 1) 282

It is begging the question, isn't it?

I am fairly confident that there are people in the three letter agencies and the government that aren't so much interested in finding the truth as in blaming the Most Hated Enemy du jour.

Comment Re:Occam's Razor (Score 4, Insightful) 282

I do not think you know what Occam's razor is. It does not mean you need conclusive evidence to believe in something. It means the simplest explanation tends to be the best one, other things being equal.

Actually, that's not what it says. It says that plurality is not to be posited without necessity, i.e. don't add complexity to reach a conclusion if it can be reached without adding it.

The simplest solution here isn't that it's North Korea acting based on an unreleased movie they probably hadn't even heard of before this whole debacle, displaying hacking skills not seen before, and then denying it.

Much simpler solutions could be disgruntled former employees or someone doing it for the lulz. It's not like Sony hasn't been a magnet for the latter, with all the previous hacks.

In any case, unless the three letter agencies are withholding crucial information, there's not enough to go on here to point the fingers at Kim Jong-Un. I'm sure there are people who would blame him no matter what, because frankly he's an asshole of Goatse dimensions, but the evidence needs to be far more solid than this.

Comment Re:At a guess . . . (Score 1) 179

It's also the spectrum. It doesn't matter if the light is marked with a "warm" temperature, if it's really a mix of cold and warms with more warms. Light doesn't blend - our brain tricks us into thinking it's warm, filling in the blanks.

To get broad continuous spectrum light, you need incandescent bulbs or halogen lights - even the best fluorescent and LED lamps don't exceed much more than a 80% color rendering index.

So a book or an e-ink device without LED sidelight is what you want. I use warm halogen reading lights, finding them to be easier to dim at night without getting mains fllicker/hum like normal incandescent lights.

Comment Re:"Still a youngster" is an invalid option. (Score 1) 286

The evolutionary perspective that holds post-menopausal women as a dead end is not a very well developed perspective.

Is it your ability to read or your ability to comprehend that is your problem? I repeat what I said, with emphasis:

A woman that hits menopause and doesn't have children is a dead end from an evolutionary perspective.

Try to catch the words you missed. Hint: They're in bold type.

a lack of Grandmas is a disadvantage for any human offspring.

If you hit menopause childless, you won't become a grandmother.

Even if you make a great grandmother figure for the kids of someone else, any mutations making you a slightly better grandmother than average won't have been passed on.

That doesn't mean they can't be useful - just like a cave or a fire can be useful. But they won't pass any genes on, so they don't contribute directly to evolution. Indirectly, those who can take advantage of resources, whether it's antelope droppings, internet or free babysitters have an advantage in passing their genes on. But not the genes of the barren lady, no. That's a dead end. Slightly less useful from an evolutionary point of view than a dog or a fruit tree - at least those might pass their genes on and evolve as your offspring does.

Comment Re:25-30 computers (Score 2) 246

They tried to get around that one by saying that the computer was the one on 192.168.0.something.
Which presumably fools a lot of people, because so many home NAT devices are set to use that IP range on the LAN side, and that they got the first three numbers right might just convince the less savvy.

One even asked me for my IP address so he could check it out better. Sure - it is fda7:60a9:2fd3:3::57 - hope that helps!

These days, I tell them to e-mail you the contact information and you'll get back to them. If they're insistent, I insist on them sending a W-9 too, as I cannot do business with them without it.

Comment Re:"Still a youngster" is an invalid option. (Score 2) 286

A woman that hits menopause and doesn't have children is a dead end from an evolutionary perspective. What potential there was for propagating her genes is gone.
Men have a much larger window, and can produce offspring at any age from the first pre-teen ejaculation until death.

Back to the poll, it means that there isn't a single good answer for what 40 means. If you're a childless woman who feels the imperative drive to reproduce, it might mean you're way past middle age and really need to hurry. But if you're a free man, you might still have a good part of your reproductive years ahead of you.
And if you have children, regardless of gender, whether it's middle aged or old might depend on how old those children are.
There is no good answer, but I think overall, chances are that a woman will feel older at 40 than a man does. And even more so at 50.

Comment Re:Sly (Score 1) 396

Sorry, no, won't work. See, in order to get a valid SSL cert installed, it has to match the FQDN, or you still get warnings. Which means the embedded device suddenly needs writable storage and routines for uploading said cert, which is a much bigger security risk than someone setting up a man-in-the-middle attack inside your home between you and your DVR.

There are thousands of different web-enabed devices on networks, accessible through unencrypted methods. Because most of them they don't need it. I don't need a certificate on my printer any more than I need auto-locking doors everywhere in my house.
It's only adding overhead, and not giving any tangible benefits.

SSL isn't a silver bullet. It's mostly theater, giving the unwashed masses a feeling of security. It's not implemented in a secure way, but relies on distributed trust - a system that doesn't work.
You have to be horribly ignorant to trust that none of the CAs in your browser's or OS' key store have been compromised, or handed out to someone. Do you verify that the certificate for "secure" sites you visit actually are from the signing authority the web site is expected to use? No? Then how can you possibly trust it?

It's worse than nothing in that it makes you feel warm and cozy and safe, and lulls you into a false sense of security, much like AV software does.

Security is a state of mind. Not a technical piece of shit you can force on everything and say "look, it's secure now!"

Comment Re:Land of the free (Score 3, Informative) 580

Norway hasn't had any school shootings that I know of, except one where a girl got shot in the arse with an airsoft gun about 20 years ago.

If you mean the UtÃya massacre, that wasn't a school shooting, but a right wing nutter first bombing a government building and then impersonating a policeman and shooting indiscriminately at a political youth camp.

Citizens being allowed to carry guns would have stopped neither.

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