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Comment Re:California At It Again (Score 1) 97

Australian is a net CO2 sink, and the globe hasn't warmed for almost 18 years anyway; so I don't understant your point. Another thing is that conspiracy theorists amongst those you call denialist has been very throughly debunked, in fact 100% of "denialist" agree that man has caused some warming due to CO2 vs. 97% of Warmist agree with that statement! And before you go all conspiracy theorist about "Big Oil/Coal Shills" the CRU gets considerable funding from evil "Big Oil/Coal".

Comment Re:False Savings (Score 1) 97

Hawaii is pretty unique situation, there even if you forget to turn on the "solar water" the temp of you shower is tollerable. When I was there last, it seemed there was no weather reports on TV, I assumed it was because any time the weather was different enough to report it was a news item. Residential heating is unnecessary from what I could see the winter I was there and I doubt A/C would be used even in the summer. I know it snows on Mona Loa on "big Island" but at lower elevation it's always nice.

Comment Re:Quit COMPLAINING about Comcast and buy them out (Score 1) 368

Natural monopolies should never be for profit. This is what happens when you pay lip service to free market capitalism and fail to regulate.

We'd be so much better off if Comcast took all of the money paid out as dividends and put it into bonus checks for management instead.

Comment Re:What about Oregon and Washington? (Score 4, Funny) 368

I'm willing to be damaging a companies reputation with an illegal recording is going to get you into trouble, but I've always taken "this call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes" to mean I am allowed to record, to assure quality service.

I'm curious about your theory of mere mortals being suficiently powerfull to further damage Comcast's reputation.

Comment Re:And this is the same for copyrights. (Score 2) 240

Revoking the copyright at the death of the author would create a reason to have the author killed.
In fact it is retarded to have it connected to the authors death at all. It should be from the creation of the work or when it was made available to the public only.

It would be far cheaper to kill most patent trolls than to defend against them, but I haven't heard of them being murdered no matter how deserving they may be.

Comment Re:And this is the same for copyrights. (Score 1) 240

II want people to get paid for their work, but at the same time, if that work has caused significant cultural change then there should be a point when that work is released to that culture, instead of licensed to that culture for a fee.

That's one of the points of the patent system, a time limited monopoly, enforced by the Government, and in return for the valuble consideration of the Government Enforced Monopoly, the methods necessary to produce the patented item are collected and published by the government. At the expiration of the patent,not only is the monopoly lost, but all of the information to tell someone "skilled in the Arts" to reproduce without limitations.
While the system is being corrupted with vaguely described, trivial patents, it's not beyond reform.

Comment Re:Oh good lord. (Score 1) 225

Not magical? Matter that I can't see and can't interact with? Can you imagine if someone made a drone out of that? A perfect spy device. Nobody can see it, hear it, or knock it down. In fact, I may have one hovering over you right now...

Not so, if you can't see or interact with it, then it can't see or interact with you.

Comment Re:So.. what? (Score 1) 255

The climate sensitivity specifically due to CO
2 is often expressed as the temperature change in C associated with a doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. Climate sensitivity

Equilibrium climate sensitivity is likely to be in the range 2C to 4.5C with a most likely value of about 3C, based upon multiple observational and modelling constraints. It is very unlikely to be less than 1.5C. {8.6, 9.6, Box 10.2} TS.6.4.2 Equilibrium and Transient Climate Sensitivity

So if the 2C for is correct for Equilibrium climate sensitivity, and CO2 level is 400 ppm, for there to a temperature increase of 2C, CO2 has to increase to 800ppm, for 4 degrees 1600ppm; that's settled science, what's not settled is whether the equilibrium climate sensitivity 1.5 or 2.5

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