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Comment Re:Global warming is bunk anyway. (Score 1) 367

In the arctic and antarctic there is plenty of warming - the ice sheets and glaciers are thinning, and that is something that is very measurable.

Actually it's not that measurable, satellites provide pretty good proxy estimates, but before satellites it's a lot of guess-work and extrapolation for a few physical measurements.

Comment Re:Build their economy? (Score 1) 143

One of our townships in Michigan is in the same boat, except most of the power produced there is exported to New York; a lot of townships in Ontario are in the same boat, except most of the power produced there is exported to New York. We could save a lot of CO2 emissions by just stopping electricity from being imported by metro New York City.

Comment Re: It's still reacting carbon and oxygen... (Score 1) 143

Just like a lot of Military base closings, It's all politics, it's the rule of reciprocity and what makes modern society even possible. Favors owed are favors to be repaid, without reciprocity your money would be useless, because basically all your money is worth is what it can buy and at the end of the day you can't eat gold. About the power grid, it's brittle, Northeast blackout of 2003 was one tree brushing against one transmission line and one software bug. Everything effects everything, taking out a power plant reduces redundancy in the system, You should watch Great Britian to see whats likely to happen this year because they don't have enough reserve capacity in their power grid and are depending on renewables for a significant portion of the power supply.

Comment Re: It's still reacting carbon and oxygen... (Score 1) 143

CO2 is causing problems, right now. Real problems.

Actually Crop production is at near record highes, in part because the necessary nutrient CO2 is available in increased amounts. Both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is increasing, and there hasn't been any statistically significant Global Warming/Climate Change for 18 years; so please feel free to be more specific. If you'd go outside and actually experience some enviroment, you'd realizes that it's pretty fucking cold outside and we still have 4 weeks to go before winter starts.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 222

it might be worth it to power a reaction that pulls CO2 from the air to generate propane, ship that via pipeline to be burned and turned back into electricity at the receiving end.

CO2 is in the atmosphere at a concentration of just under 400 parts per million, the energy to caputure would produce more CO2 than would be captured. Even if the energy were completely "green and carbon-free" the energy would be better used to offset an CO2 producing power source instead that Capturing Free-Range CO2 from the atmosphere, I'm sure the watermellons would love the idea to shove more economically unviable variable-speed bird and bat choppers on us.

Comment Re:Capitalism does not reward morality (Score 1) 197

That's true, but probably not to the extent most would think, mostly you just have to put more effort into activities that are productive and less into activities that are non-productive. About 20% of your activity is going to produce 80% of your results, so you hire assistants to do the 80% and you consentrate on the 20% of that that is making 80% of your money and do more of it.

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