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Comment I don't blame WalMart Employees (Score 4, Insightful) 287

After all, when your employer pays you terribly, why do you care? Reject the idea, customer complains to your manager. Who is also, may not be the brightest star in the constellation, who may discipline/fire you.

Also? Average wage at WalMart: $8/hr (weekly: 8*8=64 * 5 days=$320). Which means, pulling this once and reselling the console is almost a week's pay. Taking $300 from WalMart, whose family owns more money than the bottom 42% of the US combined to feed your family doesn't seem like the most heartless crime in the world.

Comment Bias much? (Score 1) 350

Despite not being able to find anything of "significance" (there is actually a 7% difference in his own data!), Bennett starts not with the neutral headline "Do Black Women Experience Discrimination Breastfeeding", but with "Debunking" -- which assumes is patently false. This assumption is probably because of the amount of experience he has breastfeeding. Or being black.

I'm a white male as well, but sheesh, white priviledge much sir?

Comment Re:Real cross-platform is HARD (Score 1) 525

The framework must provide for platform-independent ways to do things so that it is easier/shorter to do it the right way than using a naive but non-portable approach.

You're totally right. Otherwise, it flies in the face of the virtue of laziness. If the easiest way to do something is cross-platform, you'll write all your code to be cross-platform whether the project requires it or not. Requirements, after all, always change;)

Comment I'm optimistic... (Score 5, Interesting) 267

After the terrible new trilogy, I'm cautiously excited by the new movie written by Lawrence Kasdan, who had zero involvement with the episodes 1-4, but did write such films as The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

They'll be plenty of eye candy (to be sure -- so did the originals!), but maybe having a good writer (who made almost all the Star Wars films you love -- and none of the ones you hate) means you'll have a good story?

Comment Re:Hiring managers perspective (Score 4, Funny) 574

I have an ASCII diagram here describing a technical interview.


  O -- You
  | |

At what speed does it have to travel in order to make a pleasant "wooshing" sound (2 m/s total velocity) assuming it must also travel at least 2 meters high vertically? (Assume gravity is 10 m/s 2 and air resistance is negligible for purposes of this exercise).

Comment Re:Was pretty obvious (Score 1) 284

What corporation owns Senator Bernie Sanders (I VT)?

I guess those nasty "unions" who hold "elections" to "represent" their largely blue-collar workforce to ask for things like "fair pay" and "increases in the minimum wage"? Oh yeah, those little guys. ...but let's pretend all politicians are equal -- because cynacism is easy. That will surely change the system.

Comment Now I can panic! (Score 1) 463

Thank you Overzeetop! I was looking for a reason to go into all-out-panic mode, grab my family, some shotgun shells, and head to the hills!

My family thinks I'm crazy, but if you're right, we'll all be dead before the 4th of July! DOOMED!!!!! REPENT SINNERS!!!!! ::Goes off to take medication::

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